nrf52 time synchron packet not arrived after BLE reconnect


I use softdevice s140 and nrf5_sdk_17.1. 

I import time sync demo from here ( to my project. 

My first usage version:

* nrf52 devices initalize and enable time sync library at startup

* a mobile phone connect to them and set one of them as timesync master

After that time synchronization works well. But if mobile phone reconnect randomly happen that time sync packets not arrived to slaves anymore (usually this happens sometimes everything remains ok). I cannot figure why this happen so I modify my usage:

* time sync library enable not start sd_radio_session

* when BLE connection established sd_radio_session is started and timeslot requested

* when BLE disconnects sd_radio_session is closed

After this modification time synchron packets arrived to slaves continuously if nrf52 device connects first to mobile phone which will be the time sync master. 

If time sync master reconnects none of slaves get more time sync packets. After that slave which is reconnect start to get time sync packets again. 

So my expericen with this second case that time sync packets arrived to slaves which are connected later than time sync master.

Any help would be appreciated.
