Problems using nRF7002 with non-nRF MCU

Hello All,
I am trying nRF7002 shield on my non-nRF MCU and i am running the wifi sample app on zephyr (latest version as of today Aug 20)
I get this error most of the time when issuing "wifi" shell commands. however commands are successful 50% of the time.
Has anyone seen this before? should i enable or disable any kconfig for this?



Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    The Wi-Fi team does not believe the issue is relevant to

    The Invalid memory addresses from the logs seem to be random addresses, which would suggest SPI read corruption. This could indicate SPI connection issues.

    What SPI frequency are you using? Would it be possible to try with lower SPI frequencies, such as 2 MHz or even 1 MHz?

    Please also specify what you mean by the commands failing 50% of the time. Do the commands both succeed and fail during a single boot or do they succeed during some boots and fail during other boots?

    Please also provide logs during the boot, as well as .config and zephyr.dts from the build folder.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Marte,

    Thank you for the response.
    I will try to debug from SPI transfer corruption aspect.
    I currently running at 8 MHZ, however i tried at 1, 2 MHz too without much success.

    I meant with 50% failing is during single boot itself. if i issue the `wifi scan` shell command, it passes around 50% time roughly. but i do keep seeing these invalid addresses always.

    I have also attached the requested files.



  • Hi,

    Thank you for clarifying and providing the files. I have forwarded it internally and will get back to you by the end of the week.

    Best regards,

  • Thank you Marte, 

    I also noticed that when i leave the setup for more than 5 minutes and try wifi scan command again. then nrf7002 kind of goes to off/low power mode and it does not wake up.

    Is this also known issue? should i disable/enable something?



  • Hi,

    Can you try disabling low power mode to debug the issue? You can do this by setting CONFIG_NRF_WIFI_LOW_POWER in prj.conf or adding it as a flag when building (-- -DCONFIG_NRF_WIFI_LOW_POWER=n).

    Best regards,