Problems using nRF7002 with non-nRF MCU

Hello All,
I am trying nRF7002 shield on my non-nRF MCU and i am running the wifi sample app on zephyr (latest version as of today Aug 20)
I get this error most of the time when issuing "wifi" shell commands. however commands are successful 50% of the time.
Has anyone seen this before? should i enable or disable any kconfig for this?



Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you Marte, 

    I also noticed that when i leave the setup for more than 5 minutes and try wifi scan command again. then nrf7002 kind of goes to off/low power mode and it does not wake up.

    Is this also known issue? should i disable/enable something?



  • Hi,

    Can you try disabling low power mode to debug the issue? You can do this by setting CONFIG_NRF_WIFI_LOW_POWER in prj.conf or adding it as a flag when building (-- -DCONFIG_NRF_WIFI_LOW_POWER=n).

    Best regards,

  • Hi Marte, 

    Issue about wake up is better when i disable CONFIG_NRF_WIFI_LOW_POWER. However i still see those invalid memory addresses most often along with other issues like timeouts. Overall the connection/interface is not stable enough to do any networking task. 

    I tried to debug by connecting logic analyzer to SPI lines. However i do not know what each bytes represent to check anything meaningful.

    Are these memory addresses transferred via SPI line to host? i could not see them in my logs?
    Could you help me debug this issue and to what to look for in those analyzer logs?

    How to prove it is an issue on either host MCU side or nRF7002? on the host side we have also verified that SPI lines are working and stable. Only in combination with nRF7002 we face this issue.



  • Hi,

    I have forwarded this internally and will get back to you early next week.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    The team has suggested some things you can do to debug the issue.

    1. Measure the SPI clock while running the SPI at 2MHz or 1MHz to validate the frequency.
    2. Measure the BUCKEN, IOVDD, and VBAT supplied to the nRF70.
    3. Probe IOVDD and BUCKEN with an oscilloscope during boot to check the power sequencing.

    The power-up sequencing requirements are as follows:

    • Wait ≥ 6 ms
    • Assert BUCKEN
    • Wait ≥ 1 ms
    • Supply IOVDD

    You can read more about this in supply sequencing requirements.

    Please share the results of these tests.

    It would also be helpful if you could share the hardware schematics of your host interface.

    Best regards,
