How to set an interrupt on LDSW via GPIO in the NPM1300 using the nRF Connect SDK.

I am using NCS v2.5.1 and working on a project where I need to turn off the system using a button that triggers an interrupt on a GPIO. I want this GPIO to control a load switch to turn it on and off. Where both the GPIO and the load switch are part of the NPM1300. How can I achieve this using the nRF Connect SDK?

Is there any configuration available in overlay file? 

Parents Reply
  • Is I2C communcation working correctly in your appliaction? If there is no communication any settings from overlays will not be applied to the nPM1300 on startup...   It is also important that the "nPM Controller" USB is NOT connected when you're using the EK with a DK, as that will interfere the I2C communications. 

    PS: telling you how to do something you asked for how to do is not the same as advising you to do it. 
