I had received a lot of support in: Replacing RS485 link with NRF24L01+.
At the moment I have 95% proyect working OK but in one operation mode of my program, after some packet sent and received ack payload, there is one packet working ok some times and with faliure in other cases
PTX shows IRQ because TXFIFO empty at about 400us from tx but PRX shows no before received packet (with needed information)
When its works well, there is IRQ at PRX side at about 200us from PTX trasmition with the IRQ at PTX at the same 400us as in case of the fail
For testings in PRX I have requested at several times the FIFOs status (read 0x17) with 01 value so RXFIFO is available
I can´t find any diference in logic analyzer signals when packets are received well or not at PTX side
Tipical sequence of good o failed operation may be OK OK fail OK OK fail fail OK OK OK OK - Each packet is sent when pressing a switch
Packet is 6 bytes wide , 1MHz rate
There is not other RF device with the same freq. at a near place
May be this a problem ? I am adjusting address and pipe a few microseconds before loading and sending PTX packet
Best regards, Osvaldo