nRF5340 Missing Disconnect Event (Supervision Timeout)


I have a nRF5340 using hci_ipc that has the following features:

  • Central Role + Scanning (Multi-connection to nRF52840 peripherals)
  • Peripheral Role
  • QoS Channel Scanning
  • Nordic Uart (Server + Client)

I am missing bluetooth supervision timeout events with the nRF53 with both ncs 2.7.0 and the upstream Zephyr BLE stack. (No disconnected callback using the Softdevice).

Problem Flow from Central perspective:
1) Scan and connect
2) Subscribe to NUS (cached handles - no discovery)
3) MTU Exchange
4) Send NUS data back and forth (~1.2Kb DTLS handshake)
5) Disconnect Peripheral with pending Central NUS GATT write (breakpoint peripheral nrf52 / power off / reset)
6) Observe no supervision timeout (4s) [This event expected, but doesn't happen]
7) Observe GATT write error 30s later
8) GATT error cleans up nus subscription, manually issue disconnect here
9) Observe no .disconnected callback

Setups used:

1) Initially we were on NCS 2.7.0 with the included hci_ipc using the ipc_radio sample with a few upstream network (not bluetooth) related cherrypicks. We had problems with this configuration missing disconnect events.
2) Now we're on a heavily cherrypicked SDK to get as close to Zephyr main upstream Bluetooth stack (from the last couple days) & the newest nrfx-lib softdevice+hci_ipc. We still had problems with this.
3) With the heavily cherrypicked SDK, we enabled SPLIT_SW_LL and do not miss these supervision timeout events with the same application code.

I am curious what layer these disconnect events are supposed to get propagated through `zephyr/drivers/bluetooth/ipc/ipc.c` when using `hci_ipc`.

I have not yet been able to make a minimum viable example, but am working towards this.

I made a Zephyr discord post regarding this on #nordic for additional context, which I tried to summarize here.

Let me know if I can provide additional information,

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for confirming that it also fails with v2.7.0. It seems we may have isolated the problem to inter-core communication, but this still needs to be confirmed. We have observed that the HCI disconnect event does not reach the BT receive thread, despite the netcore HCI trace showing that it was sent. I hope to have more information to share next week.

