AS i am trying to utilize GCC for more than 32 KB code size, i use Eclipse which provides more friendly interface. However, i am still experiencing some setting issues.
That i installed thoese software on Win7 32bit
- coreutils-5.3.0
- make-3.81
- eclipse-cpp-kepler-SR2-win32
- gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921-win32
Then following Nordic tutorial( to set up the environment.
First I try to compile SDK exsample from Nordic,and it works. Now,I want to compile keil's project which is created before. But I have no ideal to let keil's project into eclipse and be compiled by armgcc.
Should I make a makefile or something else? and how to do it?
Does anyone have any ideal about that?
Thanks for your helping