How to set TX power for BIS ISO streams alone


I would like to set the TX power level for broadcast streams to a higher level then the other radio packets (especially the packets on the primary ADV channels). First I tried to set the TX level with the pseudo connection handle from the ISO streams themself returned by bt_hci_get_conn_handle(bap_ep_info.iso_chan->iso, &conn_handle), but these handles were not accepted by the BT_HCI_OP_VS_WRITE_TX_POWER_LEVEL command. Then I set the TX level on the advertisement set belonging to the streams, this works, but sets the TX level not only for the BIS streams but also for the primary and extended advertising packets.

Is there a way to only set the TX power level for the packets belonging to BIS streams?



Parents Reply
  • Hi again Benno,

    My apologies for the wait.

    I have found some relevant information internally which I will prepare and share with you tomorrow. The gist of it is that we have functionality to configure the transmit power on individual channels, but I need some more time to find the specifics.

    but these handles were not accepted by the BT_HCI_OP_VS_WRITE_TX_POWER_LEVEL command.

    The reason for this is that BT_HCI_OP_VS_WRITE_TX_POWER_LEVEL was created for the now deprecated LE Audio-specific Controller subsystem. It is not valid for the SoftDevice Controller which supports LE Audio from NCS v2.6.0.

    I'll be back tomorrow with more!

    Best regards,

