Variable GPS period fix interval. Best way to do it?


I am currently researching the best way to be able to change the rate at which I fetch a GPS fix. I want to start the program at 60 seconds, then depending on environmental variables I want to decrease to every ten seconds. 

Is this possible and is there a best way to do it? I see there being 2 options. 

1) Firstly, I could independently call a single GPS fix at every X seconds without having to worry about any intervals. 

2) I could use intervals, then restart the GPS every time that i want to change the interval. 

To maximise accuracy and minimise time to fix, what would be the recommended way to get variable rate fixes, or is there any other way i am not thinking about?  

Any help or advice would be very appreciated. 

Im using v2.6.1 and on a nrf9161 DK. 

Thank you!
