How to fetch HWID from nRF91 series (non-DK)

We are currently testing our product which has an nRF9151 SiP.

In order to provision a chip to nRF Cloud, the IMEI and HWID is required. We are already familiar on how to order IMEIs from nRF Cloud and writing them to chips with the AT%IMEIWRITE command. Now we would also need to read the HWID, which does not seems so straightforward. There is this thread ( which explains some instructions that apply to a nRF91 series developer kit (DK), but other than that, there seems to be a lack of proper instructions on how to read the HWID. I am wondering does this apply to individual, non-DK chips as well? We are able to program the nRF91 chips in our devices.

Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you for this! However, I am not making progress. I claimed my device with the attestation token, but my device says it is not connecting to nRF Cloud, and my device is not visible in Device Management -> Devices. Power cycling our device does not solve the issue. Did I miss something in the provisioning? Our device is running the nRF Cloud multiservice example program, if that matters.

  • I see you replied in a different ticket that you found a solution to what I assume is the same problem. Can this be closed?

  • Yes, however I will note that HWID was required for the provisoining process. In the end, we used the hw_id sample program to fetch the HWID.

  • Hi, Hakon

    I'm with the same problem. I need to implement FOTA on my project and followed the steps presents on exercice about FOTA in nrf intermediate course, but I ran into an issue where I couldn't provision the nrf9160 on the nrf cloud. The FOTA exercise already assumes that your device is already provisioned, but mine isn't and I can't get do that. I searched the forum and found this thread. I read the guide you referenced, I was able to obtain the attestation token through the AT command presented, but when I insert it into the "clain device" on the nrf cloud, I get the message that the device is not compatible. Reading the documentation a little more, I saw that in fact the compatibility of this solution with the nrf9160 is limited and that it is necessary to contact support. Now I don't know exactly how to continue. Any help will be welcome.
