How to fetch HWID from nRF91 series (non-DK)

We are currently testing our product which has an nRF9151 SiP.

In order to provision a chip to nRF Cloud, the IMEI and HWID is required. We are already familiar on how to order IMEIs from nRF Cloud and writing them to chips with the AT%IMEIWRITE command. Now we would also need to read the HWID, which does not seems so straightforward. There is this thread ( which explains some instructions that apply to a nRF91 series developer kit (DK), but other than that, there seems to be a lack of proper instructions on how to read the HWID. I am wondering does this apply to individual, non-DK chips as well? We are able to program the nRF91 chips in our devices.

  • Hello,

    In order to provision a chip to nRF Cloud, the IMEI and HWID is required.

    HWID is no longer required for new devices. Please check out this guide for how to get started with nRF Cloud.

  • Hi, Hakon

    I'm with the same problem. I need to implement FOTA on my project and followed the steps presents on exercice about FOTA in nrf intermediate course, but I ran into an issue where I couldn't provision the nrf9160 on the nrf cloud. The FOTA exercise already assumes that your device is already provisioned, but mine isn't and I can't get do that. I searched the forum and found this thread. I read the guide you referenced, I was able to obtain the attestation token through the AT command presented, but when I insert it into the "clain device" on the nrf cloud, I get the message that the device is not compatible. Reading the documentation a little more, I saw that in fact the compatibility of this solution with the nrf9160 is limited and that it is necessary to contact support. Now I don't know exactly how to continue. Any help will be welcome.

  • Hi, Hakon

    I'm with the same problem. I need to implement FOTA on my project and followed the steps presents on exercice about FOTA in nrf intermediate course, but I ran into an issue where I couldn't provision the nrf9160 on the nrf cloud. The FOTA exercise already assumes that your device is already provisioned, but mine isn't and I can't get do that. I searched the forum and found this thread. I read the guide you referenced, I was able to obtain the attestation token through the AT command presented, but when I insert it into the "clain device" on the nrf cloud, I get the message that the device is not compatible. Reading the documentation a little more, I saw that in fact the compatibility of this solution with the nrf9160 is limited and that it is necessary to contact support. Now I don't know exactly how to continue. Any help will be welcome.

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