Questions about visual study code

I want to develop it in visual study code.
I have a few problems right now

1. The left nrf icon in the attached image continues to disappear.
Whenever it disappears, if you remove it from the extension and restart the extension, the icon reappears, but if you turn off vs code and turn it back on, it disappears again.

2 create a new application does not create when you import a sample from the module directory and create a build configuration.

It hasn't been going on for several days due to the above two problems.
Please tell me the solution to the above

I would like to ask if there is no sdk about nrf5340 or nrf7002 in keil or ses. (vs code is too inconvenient)



  • Hi,

    1. The left nrf icon in the attached image continues to disappear.
    Whenever it disappears, if you remove it from the extension and restart the extension, the icon reappears, but if you turn off vs code and turn it back on, it disappears again.

    I have not found any other reports of this. Can you say more about what you do when the icond disappears? Also, can you generate and upload the support intormation here?

    2 create a new application does not create when you import a sample from the module directory and create a build configuration.

    I suspect you are seeing these issues because you do not have git installed and/or have not configured it fully, as described in this post. You can either do that, or as a workaround copy the sample manually, or run it in place (without making a copy).

  • Hello.
    About number two
    I also linked it to github, and even if I copy and paste files in the common folder into the path, the configuration will not be created.
    Looking at the attached image again, the CMakeList path seems to be set differently, where can I set the path?

  • Hi,

    Regarding issue 1, we are having problems understanding how that could happen. Do you see anything in the developer console, under "Help > Toggle Developer Tools"?

    Also, the debug information  that you shared seens to be manipulated somehow? Did you do any changes to it or automatically translate part sof it or similar? I ask because there are text stings there in Korean that I would expect should always be in English.

    And regarding issue 2, the sample use relative dependencies to other code (../comon/..), and when the sample is copied out, those files are not include,and will therefore not be found. I suggest bulding the sample in place in the SDK folder to avoid that issue.

  • It seems that only what seems to be translated using Korean extensions.

  • 1. Sample project creation location and github repository

    2. Error creating configurations

  • Hi,

    ozoz05 said:
    Are you talking about this screen??

    Yes. Can you share wha tyou see there under "Console"?

    ozoz05 said:
    It seems that only what seems to be translated using Korean extensions.

    I see. Perhaps this is the culpris. Can you disable the Korean Language extension and test again without it and see if things still fail?

    ozoz05 said:
    1. Sample project creation location and github repository

    Can you back-track a bit and see if you are able to build a sample in tree (for instance zephyr/samples/hello_world) without copying it to a new location? If that is working we can start looking at other out of tree projects. This particular sample will not work when you copy it out, as it depends on files in a common directory (you can see the relative path to ../../../common in the projects CMakeLists.txt).

  • Hi,

    ozoz05 said:
    Are you talking about this screen??

    Yes. Can you share wha tyou see there under "Console"?

    ozoz05 said:
    It seems that only what seems to be translated using Korean extensions.

    I see. Perhaps this is the culpris. Can you disable the Korean Language extension and test again without it and see if things still fail?

    ozoz05 said:
    1. Sample project creation location and github repository

    Can you back-track a bit and see if you are able to build a sample in tree (for instance zephyr/samples/hello_world) without copying it to a new location? If that is working we can start looking at other out of tree projects. This particular sample will not work when you copy it out, as it depends on files in a common directory (you can see the relative path to ../../../common in the projects CMakeLists.txt).

  • 1 콘솔 화면을 공유하고 있습니다.


    The zephyr/samples/hello_world or wifi example is generated normally, C:\ncs\v2.7.0\modules\hal\nordic\nrfx\samples\src\nExample of the location of rfx_saadc\advanced_non_blocking_internal_timer has the same problem.
