nRF52805 BLE throughput sample

Hi Nordic Semiconductor Expert,

I would like to measure the BLE throughput over nRF52805.

Seeing BLE Throughput sample in nRF Connect SDK below, this SoC platform is not supported.

Bluetooth: Throughput — nRF Connect SDK 2.8.99 documentation

The build fails due to the Flash/RAM size overflow, and then I tried to built it on the nRF52832 build configuration.

Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
FLASH: 277020 B 512 KB 52.84%
RAM: 61692 B 64 KB 94.13%
IDT_LIST: 0 GB 32 KB 0.00%

Then I used nRFKconfig GUI and then tried to reduce the memory size.

Referrring to the following articles as well, I tried to reduce the memory but I could not reach the nRF52805 memory size.

Memory Optimization with the nRF Connect SDK - Software - nRF Connect SDK guides - Nordic DevZone

Memory footprint optimization

Are there any methods to fit in the memory size (e.g. recommended prj_minimal.conf) or any alternative measurement tools?

Thank you.

Toru (Felipe1)

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