nRF91 End Device Certification


I am looking to use the nRF9151 module.

I spoke with my wireless provider and asked what certifications they require to use their service. They said that they do not require any additional certification or "end device certification" as long as I am using their SIM.

Does that mean I am good to go? I can slap an NRF9151 on my product and go to market as long as I stick with my MVNO carrier?

Also, for clarification, is having the device "end device certified" mostly a Verizon and global cert meaning the customer can connect it to any network?

Does Fanstel's LN60E module have its own "end device certification"? The Skywire Nano is mentioning that they do. 

nRF9160 LTE with BLE 5.2 modules, LN60G840F — Fanstel 

4G LTE-M Skywire Nano | Airgain


Doug Kadrmas

Parents Reply Children
  • Doug K said:
    What does it mean for the nRF9151 module for "Modules contain a ready-programmed Nordic IMEI"?

    nRF9161 SiPs (also nRF9131) don't have an IMEI programmed (except for the DKs). You have to always order your own (via for example nRF Cloud).

    nRF9151 (and nRF9160) by default have IMEI programmed. Those IMEIs are registered under Nordic Semiconductor's TAC range, so they are ready to use out of the box.

    Best regards,

