nRF Cloud Provisioning Service


I'm trying to use the nRF Cloud Provisioning Service with the nRF Cloud multi-service sample in SDK 2.6 on a nRF9151DK.

I have got the token from the device using AT%ATTESTTOKEN and claimed the device in nRF Cloud

Then I compiled the sample with 


But the provisioning is not ok...What am I missing?

[00:00:00.256,439] <inf> spi_nor: gd25wb256e3ir@1: 32 MiBy flash
*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1 ***
[00:00:00.259,643] <inf> main: iAMP-Hydro has started, version: 1.0.2, protocol: MQTT
[00:00:00.259,704] <inf> cloud_connection: Enabling connectivity...
[00:00:00.544,769] <inf> cloud_connection: Setting up nRF Cloud library...
[00:00:00.725,860] <inf> cloud_connection: Waiting for network ready...
[00:00:05.010,375] <inf> cloud_connection: Network connectivity gained!
[00:00:06.010,589] <inf> cloud_provisioning: Initializing the nRF Provisioning library...
[00:00:06.010,833] <inf> cloud_connection: Network is ready
[00:00:07.050,079] <inf> cloud_provisioning: Provisioning is active.
[00:00:07.152,038] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Requesting commands
[00:00:09.535,980] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: Connected
[00:00:09.536,010] <inf> nrf_provisioning_http: No more commands to process on server side
[00:00:14.536,102] <inf> cloud_provisioning: Provisioning is idle.
[00:00:14.536,163] <inf> cloud_connection: Connecting to nRF Cloud
[00:00:14.536,224] <inf> cloud_connection: Device ID: 50333648-3230-48f5-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx
[00:00:18.436,676] <err> nrf_cloud_transport: MQTT input error: -128
[00:00:18.436,737] <err> nrf_cloud_transport: Error disconnecting from cloud: -128
[00:00:18.436,798] <inf> cloud_connection: Disconnecting from nRF Cloud
[00:00:18.436,828] <err> cloud_connection: Could not connect to nRF Cloud
[00:00:18.436,828] <inf> cloud_connection: Retrying in 30 seconds...


Parents Reply Children
  • It will help to get a complete log of the application, to understand what is going on at the firmware level. Also, any changes in configuration from the defaults. 

    I just re-read in your original message that you are using 2.6. In SDK 2.6.0, the default of the sample is to check once per minute if there's a change in provisioning. See the following in overlay-hittp_nrf_provisioning.conf:

    # Set the provisioning interval to 60 seconds.
    # This is a very frequent interval. To save power, set this to something approaching 24 hours.
    # But note that provisioning may take up to twice as long as this interval, since it
    # happens in two steps.

    So you might want to change CONFIG_NRF_PROVISIONING_INTERVAL_S to a different value.

    If you are able to move to SDK 2.8.0, the provisioning library has a new API: nrf_provisioning_set_interval(). This is used in the nRF Cloud Multi Service sample to change the provisioning interval to a much longer interval after the initial provisioning is complete. The new interval is set with CONFIG_POST_PROVISIONING_INTERVAL_M.

  • This works. But the device still start provisioning at regular intervals. Is there a way to disable the service after a time interval? 

    I have a nRF9151DK that I provisioned using DeviceID and Pin. I tried the same with a custom board using DeviceID and HWID, but got this error:

    Is it possible to provision custom boards this way? If so, why the error? Do I need to download a certificate, or is it present in all nrf9151 SOC's?

  • To use Device ID and PIN, you need to use JITP to onboard the device. That is a different process than the Auto-Onboarding, and you should only do one or the other.

    A DK already comes with JITP done by Nordic, whereas for your own custom board, you have to do that yourself. JITP is not the recommended way for mass production, you should use either Auto-Onboarding or Preconnect onboarding.

    More details here:
