What is the best way to read cluster attributes periodically in zigbee network coordnicator?
any sample code available for one time request or subscription for value change or periodic subscription ?
What is the best way to read cluster attributes periodically in zigbee network coordnicator?
any sample code available for one time request or subscription for value change or periodic subscription ?
Hi AHaug I have sniffer with nrf52840 dongle
I will try that as well if needed
I tried the zigbee shell example with the plug but didnt worked so I was trying it with nrf connect sdk zigbee light_bulb sample
here are the command which I tried
turn on : zcl cmd 0x8259 10 0x0006 0x01
turn off : zcl cmd 0x8259 10 0x0006 0x00
attribute read: zcl attr read 0x8259 10 0x0006 0x0104 0x00
bind: zdo bind on f4ce369c73f4aea1 10 f4ce36f9f41b69c4 1 0x0006 0x8259
subscribe: zcl subscribe on 0x8259 10 0x0006 0x0104 0x00 16
0x8259 device address
f4ce36f9f41b69c4 coordniatore devEUI
f4ce369c73f4aea1 bulb devEUI
on off and attribute read works bund and subscribe there is no error but no response when I have executed on/off command after it
Unless you've changed the code, then the shell's endpoint is 64 and not 1. Could you try with the following instead?
bind: zdo bind on f4ce369c73f4aea1 10 f4ce36f9f41b69c4 64 0x0006 0x8259
Kind regards,
Thank you AHuag
finally we are able to fix it on nrf connect sdk as well we used to have coordniator short address instead of plug short address while binfing
but now we are good
Happy to hear that!
I'll mark this case as verified. Please feel free to open new cases if you have any new questions.
Kind regards,