The nrf5340 application core and network core shared memory routine look at that

我想了解 NRF5340 Application Core 和 Network Core Shared Memory 的工作原理

  • Hi Xunard, 

    The nRF5340 SoC contains two Arm Cortex-M33 processor cores - an Application core and a Network core. These cores can communicate with each other through shared memory. The shared memory is accessible by both cores, allowing them to exchange data. The Application core memory is mapped to the Network core memory map, and the Network core can access and use the Application core memory for shared memory communication.  

    It's important to note that while the Application core can access all Network core memory, the reverse is not true. The Network core cannot execute code directly from the Application core flash or access QSPI XIP memories. See the RF5340 Product Specification.

    In the nRF Connect SDK, you can use Interprocessor Communication (IPC) for inter-core communication between the two coresCommunication between the application core and the network core happens through a shared memory area. The application core memory is mapped to the network core memory map. This means that the network core can access and use the application core memory for shared memory communication. See the nRF Connect SDK Documentation

    Amanda H.

  • Hi Xunard, 

    The nRF5340 SoC contains two Arm Cortex-M33 processor cores - an Application core and a Network core. These cores can communicate with each other through shared memory. The shared memory is accessible by both cores, allowing them to exchange data. The Application core memory is mapped to the Network core memory map, and the Network core can access and use the Application core memory for shared memory communication.  

    It's important to note that while the Application core can access all Network core memory, the reverse is not true. The Network core cannot execute code directly from the Application core flash or access QSPI XIP memories. See the RF5340 Product Specification.

    In the nRF Connect SDK, you can use Interprocessor Communication (IPC) for inter-core communication between the two coresCommunication between the application core and the network core happens through a shared memory area. The application core memory is mapped to the network core memory map. This means that the network core can access and use the application core memory for shared memory communication. See the nRF Connect SDK Documentation

    Amanda H.
