Coded PHY on BLE sniffer not working?

I'm trying to use nordic's BLE sniffer on a nRF52833-DK. I have programmed it with the firmware "sniffer_nrf52833dk_nrf52833_4.1.1.hex".

I've then tried both the command "nrfutil ble-sniffer sniff --port /dev/ttyACM4 --coded" as well as "nrfutil ble-sniffer sniff --port /dev/ttyACM4 --coded --scan-follow-aux --scan-follow-aux-chain --scan-follow-aux-rsp" but I cannot see any Coded PHY advertising packets in the resulting Wireshark .pcap file. I only see a bunch of 1M advertisements from the surroundings. I have a few peripherals nearby that are advertising only on the Coded PHY and I can see them in the Android app nRF Connect and it says "LE Coded". Is there a known issue with the sniffer?

I'm using Ubuntu 24.04. FYI I had hoped to be able to use the sniffer plugin in Wireshark but that one doesn't work at all (nrf sniffer device does not show up) even though I've installed the plugin according to the instructions. So for now I'm using the sniffer on the command line.

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