Fix up links in the Q&A

I know this is a heavy lift for you at Nordic, but do you think there is a way to fix up OR perhaps tag with somem message the links in the Q&A that have expired or moved to new locations??
For example: NRF52 Watchdog Reset When only reset source is soft reset? - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone
I know this is a pretty old, but the conversation is still relevant and comes up in the search, so it would be nice if the "errata link" in the last response could be flagged that it is incorrect and ULTIMATELY it would be great if it could be redirected.

I know that would be a heck of a lot of internal work to come up with a safe script that could run though all the records on this site and find the old links, but I think it would really be a big help to the knowledge base.


Parents Reply
  • Hi Thiago,

    One reason might be that you are trying to post a ticket with error logs or code in the message, and some of the characters in that might be interferring with the site JS. If that is the case it might be best attach the error logs or code in code blocks or by attaching it as zip files instead. 

    Let me know if this helps, or if you do not think this is relevant for your ticket. Worst case I'll just create my own ticket and invite you to it.



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