Nrfutil offline install not works

Hello everyone

I need to install Nrfutil offline, computers may not have access to the internet, i follow this istruction and prepare the offline directori whit the comand "nrfutil prepare-offline off_line", after copied this dircetory and the nrfutil.exe in an other directory, and in windows command line lounch the follow command "nrfutil install device --from-offline ./off_line" and i have the follow answer:

Error: Failed to prepare registry from offline source

Caused by:
    0: Failed to initialize intermediate package index
    1: config value '' was not found; class=Config (7); code=NotFound (-3)

in the same machine, if i digit "nrfutil install device", the packet is retrieved from the internet and everything installs correctly and works.

nrfutil 7.7.1 (25b8911 2024-02-07) on Windows 10

I can't understand where I'm wrong ... thanks in advance for reply


  • Hi, 

    I cannot reproduce the issue. Maybe the download package is not downloaded completely or for other reasons, but good to know you fixed the issue by installing via the Internet. 

    Amanda H. 

  • Hi

    thanks for reply, but i not resolveed my problem ... I absolutely need to install ""nrfutil  device" on machines that do not have an internet connection

  • Hi,

    Do you get the same error log on other machines that do not have internet? If so, Could you try with a USB drive as the instructions?

    If so, please upgrade the nrfutil by this command:

    nrfutil self-upgrade --from-offline E:/nrfutil-offline

    Install again:

    nrfutil install device --from-offline E:/nrfutil-offline

    Upgrade the installed commands:

    nrfutil upgrade --from-offline E:/nrfutil-offline

    If you still have issues, please provide the output by the above commands and 

    nrfutil -V

    nrfutil list

    -Amanda H.

  • Hi Amanda

    I did it all over again to be safe, I inserted a USB stick (E:), downloaded “nrfutil.exe” ( link ) I went to the download folder and typed the command “nrfutil prepare-offline E:/nrfutil-offline”, this is the result

    Error: Failed to export registry as offline source

    Caused by:

        0: Failed to open or initialize offline package index

        1: config value '' was not found; class=Config (7); code=NotFound (-3)

    It actually creates the “nrfutil-offline” folder but the sub-directories are empty
    The nice thing is that if from the same position I type “nrfutil prepare-offline nrfutil-offline”, this is the result

    nrfutil-91 is already the newest version (0.4.1)

    nrfutil-ble-sniffer is already the newest version (0.12.0)

    nrfutil-completion is already the newest version (1.4.0)

    nrfutil-device is already the newest version (2.3.6)

    nrfutil-npm is already the newest version (0.3.0)

    nrfutil-nrf5sdk-tools is already the newest version (1.0.1)

    nrfutil-toolchain-manager is already the newest version (0.14.4)

    nrfutil-trace is already the newest version (2.1.0)

    [00:00:00] ###### 100% [Install packages] Install packages

    So far I have used my PC with window 11 in which I develop and use “nrfutil” without problems, typing (always from the previous ownload folder) “nrfutil –V”. I have:

    nrfutil 7.7.1 (25b8911 2024-02-07)

    commit-hash: 25b8911c166eda54ebbf1a4fd8f810b1dbf3e6b1

    commit-date: 2024-02-07

    host: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

    build-timestamp: 2024-02-07T09:57:15.603608Z

    classification: nrf-external

    if I write “nrfutil list” I get:

    Command            Version  Description

    91                 0.4.1    nRF91 device operations

    ble-sniffer        0.12.0   Bluetooth LE sniffer for Nordic Semiconductor devices

    completion         1.4.0

    device             2.3.6    Work with Nordic Semiconductor devices

    npm                0.3.0    Process CSV files produced by the PMIC battery profiling boards to produce a model usable for producing battery fuel gauge models

    nrf5sdk-tools      1.0.1    nRF5 SDK tools that were available in nRF Util 6






    toolchain-manager  0.14.4   Manage and use toolchains for nRF Connect SDK

    trace              2.1.0    Stream processing utility for transcoding of trace data types

    Found 8 installed command(s)

    I did another test, if I bring the 'nrfutil-offline' subfolder to the USB stick and try to install on the machine without connection (Windows 10) with 'nrfutil install device --from-offline E:/nrfutil-offline', I get:

    Error: Failed to bootstrap core functionality before executing command.

    HTTP request to default bootstrap resource


    Please check that your internet connection is functioning. If you use a proxy, please try the --detect-proxy flag or

    manually set the appropriate HTTP_PROXY-style environment variable(s).

    To use a custom bootstrap config, set NRFUTIL_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_URL. To bootstrap directly from a nrfutil-core package


    Caused by:

        0: error sending request for url (

        1: client error (Connect)

        2: dns error: Host sconosciuto. (os error 11001)

        3: Host sconosciuto. (os error 11001)

    Here is the 'nrfutil-offline'  : nrfutil-offline

    I encountered this problem on 2 physical machines and 1 virtual, always Windows 10... honestly I don't understand much, in any case thanks for the help you are giving me.

  • Hi, 

    Sam.Art said:
    I did it all over again to be safe, I inserted a USB stick (E:), downloaded “nrfutil.exe” ( link ) I went to the download folder and typed the command “nrfutil prepare-offline E:/nrfutil-offline”, this is the result

    Could you try another USB stick?

    Sam.Art said:
    nrfutil 7.7.1 (25b8911 2024-02-07)

    Your version is a bit old. You can upgrade the nrfutil by this command: nrfutil self-upgrade

    Then upgrade the installed commands: nrfutil upgrade

    Sam.Art said:

    I did another test, if I bring the 'nrfutil-offline' subfolder to the USB stick and try to install on the machine without connection (Windows 10) with 'nrfutil install device --from-offline E:/nrfutil-offline', I get:

    Error: Failed to bootstrap core functionality before executing command.

    When do you download the package? Could you try this zip file nrfutil-offline.7z? Unzip it to your USB stick.

    -Amanda H. 

  • Hi, 

    Sam.Art said:
    I did it all over again to be safe, I inserted a USB stick (E:), downloaded “nrfutil.exe” ( link ) I went to the download folder and typed the command “nrfutil prepare-offline E:/nrfutil-offline”, this is the result

    Could you try another USB stick?

    Sam.Art said:
    nrfutil 7.7.1 (25b8911 2024-02-07)

    Your version is a bit old. You can upgrade the nrfutil by this command: nrfutil self-upgrade

    Then upgrade the installed commands: nrfutil upgrade

    Sam.Art said:

    I did another test, if I bring the 'nrfutil-offline' subfolder to the USB stick and try to install on the machine without connection (Windows 10) with 'nrfutil install device --from-offline E:/nrfutil-offline', I get:

    Error: Failed to bootstrap core functionality before executing command.

    When do you download the package? Could you try this zip file nrfutil-offline.7z? Unzip it to your USB stick.

    -Amanda H. 
