Azure IoT Hub Sample on Thingy91

Is there any guides or easy way to make the Azure IoT Sample work with the Thingy91 or e.g. Icarus IoT v2?

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  • Thanks for looking into this. Yes, I saw it was't supported in the sample, but I need to get it working with other nrf boards for it to be something we can use. What's the main reason it's so hard to get working on other boards?

  • Have inquired internally, no feedback yet. Hope to have an answer by end of this week.

  • Hello, 

    Øyvind said:

    Looking at the log provided it does state:

    C:/Users/neshe/nRF/azure_iot_hub/src/main.c:202: undefined reference to `boot_write_img_confirmed', and I'm able to reproduce. Will need to discuss internally.

    In order for boot_write_img_confirmed() to be compiled in, you need to enable CONFIG_MCUBOOT_IMG_MANAGER=y

    Since the Thingy:91 is not officially supported in this sample, that needs to be done manually.

    In general, you need to ensure that required options are enabled when adding support for a new board to an application. In this case, the following are needed from nrf9151dk_nrf9151_ns, i.e:


  • Was able to build for the Thingy91, but didn't work. No terminal output either, so I don't see whats the issue.

    Was not able to build for the Icarus IoT board. Any where I can get more info on how to get these to work?

    Edit: I see now you have including options for the nrf9151dk_nrd9151_ns. I'm trying to get the nrf9160 (Thingy91 and Icarus IoT) to work. Is there any difference on options to include?

  • Neso said:
    Edit: I see now you have including options for the nrf9151dk_nrd9151_ns. I'm trying to get the nrf9160 (Thingy91 and Icarus IoT) to work. Is there any difference on options to include?

    These are settings that are the same on all boards. I tested on my side without issues, expect for the need of an external flash. 
