nRF Connect for VS Code commands are not found after restarting VS Code

I have been using VS Code and nRF Connect extensions for over 1 year.  I run on a Mac Mini computer with Apple M2 processor.  I recently updated the macOS to Sequoia Version 15.1.1.  However, this specific problem began when I updated VS Code to version 1.96.  Here is the information about the current version I am running:

Version: 1.96.1 (Universal)
Commit: 42b266171e51a016313f47d0c48aca9295b9cbb2
Date: 2024-12-17T17:50:05.206Z
Electron: 32.2.6
ElectronBuildId: 10629634
Chromium: 128.0.6613.186
Node.js: 20.18.1
V8: 12.8.374.38-electron.0
OS: Darwin arm64 24.1.0

Here is what I see.  After starting up the VS Code, I switch to the NRF CONNECT extension.  I see the tabs on the left side completely blank.  Here is a snapshot of what I see:

I try clicking on the Generate Support Icon, and I get an error that this command is not found.

I can get past this error with the following steps:

1.  Remove all the build directories from the Folder that I have open

2.  Close down VS Code completely

3.  Start VS Code again

After doing these steps, I get back to having access to NRF CONNECT commands.

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  • Mike,

    Thanks for the suggestions.  Sorry for the delay in my response to your post.  Hopefully you were able to have a good holiday season. 

    I have been trying the various suggestions.   They started out being promising.   The first obvious issue was that the nRF Connect for Desktop required a download of an entirely new version.  The warning was that the previously installed version (macOS for Intel processors) would not necessarily be stable with the native M2 processor. I recently updated the macOS version to Sequoia 15.1.1 as well as the VS Code software.  I am not sure if one of these updates may have precipitated this warning (for some reason I have tended to think that the macOS update to be the main culprit).  I have wondered if other code needs to be updated to the Apple native processor versions.  However, I tried all 5 suggestions you gave and I still have the same issue.  I have always chosen the Apple native code options when they were provided to me.   I was about to try reinstalling the VS Code itself when I noticed something that may be helpful.

    First let me clarify that VS Code works fine with the loaded application until I "Close the Folder" and open another application or when I restart VS Code.  After restarting the main application I am working on, then I get the blank CONNECT tabs.  I started noticing some interesting behaviors as I switched to different applications and earlier versions of our application.

    For example, if I switch from our main application to a Matter Template sample that I have experimented with, the CONNECT tabs come up just fine for the Template sample, but they are blank when I switch back to our main application.  This made me think about about some earlier versions of our application.  So I tried a couple of earlier versions of our application and here are the results (when switching to these versions):

    SDK version                   Board configuration            Build System                      CONNECT tabs

    v2.5.2                             overlay of nrf52840dk         Build system default           all available -- i.e., works fine

    v2.6.99-cs2                    hardware model v1             Build system default            all available -- i.e., works fine

    v2.7.0                             hardware model v2             Use sysbuild.                      blank -- i.e. the problem described above

    For the hardware model v1, I have the following sub-directories  and files in my application directory: 

            Kconfig.board                               nrf52840_puzl_detect.dts
            Kconfig.defconfig                         nrf52840_puzl_detect.yaml
            board.cmake                                nrf52840_puzl_detect_defconfig       

    For the hardware model v2, I have these files in this following sub-directory:

              Kconfig.P0050                           P0050.dts board.cmake
              Kconfig.defconfig                      P0050.yaml board.yml
             P0050-pinctrl.dtsi                       P0050_defconfig     

    Best Regards,

