devicetree in VS code


I would like to use DeviceTree in VS code. The VS code had installed "nRF Connect for VS Code Extension Pack" and tools chain.

But I can't see any file in "DEVICETREE VISUAL EDITOR".

What is missing? Is it not yet install? If yes, please let me know how to install it.

I know it is very simple for you, but I need your hint to fix it. Please share your advise with me.

Good device treemy NG device tree

// IMPORTANT: The following data can contain sensitive or confidential information about your environment.
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      "path": "c:\\ncs\\v2.9.0"
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  "apps": [
      "workspace": "c:\\Users\\Owner\\Documents\\nRF\\test02",
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            "eraseAndFlash": []
          "sdk": "c:\\ncs\\v2.9.0",
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    "riscv-gdbPath": "C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\b620d30767\\opt\\zephyr-sdk\\riscv64-zephyr-elf\\bin\\riscv64-zephyr-elf-gdb.exe"
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      "jlinkInfo": {
        "description": "This version of SEGGER J-Link is different from the J-Link version that was used to test nrfutil device commands",
        "expectedVersion": {
          "version": "JLink_V7.94i",
          "versionFormat": "string"
        "name": "JlinkARM",
        "version": "JLink_V7.94l",
        "versionFormat": "string"
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      "binPath": "c:\\Users\\Owner\\.vscode\\extensions\\nordic-semiconductor.nrf-connect-2024.12.55-win32-x64\\platform\\nrfutil\\bin\\nrfutil-toolchain-manager"
  "environment": {
    "westEnv": {
      "HOME": "C:\\Users\\Owner",
      "HOMEDRIVE": "C:",
      "HOMEPATH": "\\Users\\Owner",
      "PATH": "C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\b620d30767;C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\b620d30767\\mingw64\\bin;C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\b620d30767\\bin;C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\b620d30767\\opt\\bin;C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\b620d30767\\opt\\bin\\Scripts;C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\b620d30767\\opt\\nanopb\\generator-bin;C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\b620d30767\\opt\\zephyr-sdk\\arm-zephyr-eabi\\bin;C:\\ncs\\toolchains\\b620d30767\\opt\\zephyr-sdk\\riscv64-zephyr-elf\\bin;c:\\Users\\Owner\\.vscode\\extensions\\nordic-semiconductor.nrf-connect-2024.12.55-win32-x64\\platform\\nrfutil\\lib\\nrfutil-toolchain-manager;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Windows\\System32\\OpenSSH\\;C:\\Program Files\\Nordic Semiconductor\\nrf-command-line-tools\\bin\\;C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps;C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code\\bin",
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  "terminal": {
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  "config": {
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      "toolchain": {
        "path": ""
      "ozonePath": "",
      "applications": [],
      "applicationOptions": {},
      "kconfig": {
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      "west": {
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      "boardRoots": [],
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      "enableTelemetry": false,
      "thirdpartyIntegration": {},
      "toolchainManager": {
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        "installDirectory": null
      "nrfutil": {
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      "defaultOpenAction": "ask",
      "terminalProfile": {
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  • I am not sure what could be the issue at your end.

    May I ask you to restart your system, and reopen the VS Code, and then rebuilt the project and see if the problem is still there.

    Please share full screen as you would see the visual editor on the right.

  • Hi Naeem,

    Thank you for your support. I've tried restarting your system, reopening VS Code, and rebuilding the project multiple times, but without success.

    Fortunately, it finally succeeded recently. However, I'm still unclear on the installation process.

    I suspect the issue might be something minor, like the installation sequence or attaching the .cfg file (e.g., proj.cfg).

    I'd like to send you a snapshot and guide you step by step. Hopefully, together we can identify the problem.

    Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  • Hi Naeem,

    Thank you for your previous support.

    Despite restarting my system, reopening VS Code, and rebuilding the project multiple times, I am still facing issues with the "DeviceTree Visual Editor" in VS Code. Although it succeeded once recently, I am still unclear on the installation process and suspect the issue might be minor, possibly related to the installation sequence or configuration file attachment (e.g., proj.cfg).

    Could you please provide a more detailed step-by-step guide or troubleshooting tips? I am also ready to share a snapshot of my current setup to help identify the problem more efficiently.

    Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

  • Hello,

    I will look into your issue. Could you tell me what happens when you open the DEVICETREE VISUAL EDITOR? Do you see any message? If so, please share a screenshot of the entire screen.

    Additionally, can you try double-clicking the build info of the application you have built? You can find this when you expand the build under the Application tab.

    Please see the screenshot below:

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Abhijith,

    Thanks for your support.

    I am a beginner in nRF programming, and I am following Nordic's information to install nRF Connect in VS Code. However, I am experiencing an issue where the "Devicetree" tag appears intermittently in the "Action" tab, but most of the time it does not.

    My setup includes the installed toolchain and SDK version 2.9.0. I have created a blank new project and a custom board with the nRF52832. Initially, I intended to use the "Devicetree" to configure the nRF chip for my application. Without it, I am unsure how to proceed.

    Additionally, I would like to know if it is necessary to have the target board connected during development. In my current state, I prefer to set up the entire environment, board configuration, and draft the program before connecting the board.

    Is it possible that I am missing a step, such as creating a new west workspace? I do not want to give up on nRF Connect. Please provide detailed, step-by-step instructions to help me succeed.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

