NRF52840 DK Board not working

I have an NRF52840 DK (3.0.2) board, but it is not working. The USB port is not detected. When I power it through USB, the debug LED (LED5) turns on and then off. On the SoC side,

LEDs 1, 2, 3, and 4 are dimly lit. Please help and provide a proper solution.

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  • Do you have another DK available or a debugger?

    You can connect to the Debug In connector and see if the nRF52840 SoC still works. If so then there is a issue with the onboard debugger. 

    LE5D5 on your DK also does not seem to be glowing, so maybe the Debugger chip is disconnected or damaged. 

    Is the SW1 Flow control switch on the ON position ? 

    Also try to wiggle or change the position of the SW9, and then go back to the middle position, VDD power. If the switch is in USB or LiPO position then all LEDS will blink\glow softly. 


  • Yes, I have another DK board.
    The SW1 flow control switch is ON on the board.
    I also tried changing SW9, but LED5 only blinks and then turns off.

  • I am facing the same issue. The LED5 on my DK board blinks for a short time and then turns off. Please find the attached video.

  • Can you use the Debug out port from the other DK to program the nRF52840 on the DK that does not work as expected?

    You can use a 10-pin ribbon cable connector here and try to program the nRF52840, if there are no issues with that then its likely that there is something wrong with the debugger chip and circuitry.


  • ok dear 
    my board SOC is work but debugger is not working please help me . how to debugger on. 
