Error setting sampling frequency on lsm6dso - nrf52833

Hi all,

I am running the lsm6dso zephyr sample on my nrf52833 dev kit. I am unable to set the sampling frequency. I get this error after flashing:

This is my overlay file:

My SDK version is 2.7 and I am on Zephyr 3.6.99

My debugger suggests that the issue could be from this case failing in i2c_nrfx_twim.c

However, the IMU address is listed at 7 bits long in the datasheet.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Parents Reply
  • Hi,


    I tested this on my system, as well as a colleague of mines setup, and we are not able to reproduce the line "warning: LSM6DSO was assigned the value 'y', but got the value 'n'", which is effectively not including the driver into your build.


    Can you delete your build-folder and regenerate the build?

    Your overlay, when matching your board, will be automatically appended, so your build in vscode shall look like this:


    Kind regards,

