Error flashing custom board w/ nRF52832 (unable to read)

I'm trying to flash a custom board (schematics in this ticket - Schematic/Layout review request) using a Jlink EDU mini and keep running into an error message saying it's failing to read or erase memory. I've seen suggestions on other posts that running nrfjprog --recover can remove the read protection mechanism, but when I ran that (with --log, which I've attached) it also failed.



I've had the flash process succeed sometimes, but the board doesn't act any differently to before (can't control the GPIO) so I'm assuming that's another issue.

Any ideas for what could be causing this?


  • Hi

    Abhijith is currently out of office, so I'm taking over this ticket while he's away.

    The J-Link version Abhijith is referring to I think is the J-Link firmware on your computer. Please make sure you have J-Link v7.94i or later installed on your computer. Can you also share some info on what firmware you're trying to flash onto your board here?

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    Abhijith is currently out of office, so I'm taking over this ticket while he's away.

    The J-Link version Abhijith is referring to I think is the J-Link firmware on your computer. Please make sure you have J-Link v7.94i or later installed on your computer. Can you also share some info on what firmware you're trying to flash onto your board here?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simon,

    Thanks for your response. I had multiple versions (one of which was v7.80) so I removed them all and installed the latest (v8.12), which is still giving me the same error (no read access for JLink). I'm not sure what firmware info would be useful, but given that I can flash the application to the nrf52dk I have successfully (and the custom design's MCU section was a direct copy of that), I would suspect something in my config files is incorrect (I'll attach the files for the custom board).

    The general function of the firmware is to initialise BLE advertising and upon connection, send packets containing measurements from the IMU.

     Tennis Sensor board
