More information on error codes

Hello Nordic friends,

I am currently testing the device, but I absolutely don't want to use Zephyr or any advertised MCUs. I wrote a simple code for scanning and testing the device via the fmac_api and implemented the osal_api in a very simple way. The nRF7002-EK is directly hooked to my desired ARM chip where LWIP will handle higher network levels. Although there are plenty of comments (and also "TODOs") by developers, I miss documentation on how the device memory is organized and how the general program flow works.

  • What error codes mean. e.g., "Command 6 -> status -22". There is no documentation about error codes.
  • Program flow in general.

In general, I appreciate that the software is open source, but a lack of documentation makes the hardware somewhat unattractive. There are many parts of the software I would like to change, which is possible, but pretty hard without full information. I am very interested in a European product, but I am only interested in the hardware and not really in the software provided in the SDK.


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