More information on error codes

Hello Nordic friends,

I am currently testing the device, but I absolutely don't want to use Zephyr or any advertised MCUs. I wrote a simple code for scanning and testing the device via the fmac_api and implemented the osal_api in a very simple way. The nRF7002-EK is directly hooked to my desired ARM chip where LWIP will handle higher network levels. Although there are plenty of comments (and also "TODOs") by developers, I miss documentation on how the device memory is organized and how the general program flow works.

  • What error codes mean. e.g., "Command 6 -> status -22". There is no documentation about error codes.
  • Program flow in general.

In general, I appreciate that the software is open source, but a lack of documentation makes the hardware somewhat unattractive. There are many parts of the software I would like to change, which is possible, but pretty hard without full information. I am very interested in a European product, but I am only interested in the hardware and not really in the software provided in the SDK.


Parents Reply
  • Thank you. Yeah scanning works already fine with my implementation. Unfortunately, I can't connect to a AP because I don't understand the error codes during authentication/association (probably due to incorrect configuration or missing prerequisite steps).
    Many things are unclear and probably not worth the work to find out by trial and error.

    Nevermind, it is what it is. Thanks for your support and quick replies.
