UBX devkit & Custom board not responding in bootloader or app

Hello NRF crew

Bootloader: MCUBOOT

RTOS: Zephyr

NRF toolchain: v2.6.1

Dev board: ubx_bmd360eval_nrf52811

Custom board: nrf52811 mounted without a DCDC converter, no extermal crystal and a LED


For a long time my setup worked fine and i could flash both boards, with different overlays and they would work as supposed. One day my west setup in VSCode stopped working, so i started making a custom toolchain, with west, docker, make and all the neccesary dependencies, to make a Zephyr project with the NRF SDK.

This is now working and building/Compiling the project. Cool, but now i cannot get any of the boards to respond on either RTT or UART. If i enable the bootloader, the LED indicating that the bootloader is active is on and never leaves the bootloader state.

If i remove the bootloader, the app is put on the boards, but it will not respond on anything either. I have tried flashing the boards with the files (Zephyr.hex, merged.hex and app_update.bin).

To flash the boards i have tried using the GUI flash tool from NRF Connect, NRFJprog and JLink, same outcome from all of them.

I am having trouble putting a debugger on the boards, with this setup.

I am worried it is because of memory l
ayout og some config makes it all crash. Hope someone can help me, thanks in advance.


# Disable DCDC converter
# Use internal clock source
# Enable logging for MCUboot
# Enable Serial Recovery over UART
# Disable UART, since Serial Recovery uses it
# Configure boolader to use only one slot.
# Turn on a LED so we can see when Serial Recovery mode is active
# Wait before booting
# No BOOT signature, used to remove TinyCrypt and MBEDTLS see: devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../using-zephyr-and-mcuboot-without-image-signatures




# Enable logging

# RTT console

# UART console

#Enable bluetooth subsystem

# Enable Extended Scanning
# Zephyr Bluetooth LE Controller needs 16 event buffers to generate Extended
# Advertising Report for receiving the complete 1650 bytes of data

# Set maximum scan data length for Extended Scanning in Bluetooth LE Controller

# Increase Zephyr Bluetooth LE Controller Rx buffer to receive complete chain
# of PDUs
#Was 16

#Needed for full Extended advertising support


#Disable signed images, used to remove TinyCrypt and MBEDTLS

# Lock stack sizes


mcuboot: #TODO Shrink this to just the mcuboot region
address: 0x0
end_address: 0xC000 # 48 KB
- mcuboot_primary
region: flash_primary
size: 0xC000

address: 0xC000
end_address: 0xC800
- mcuboot_primary_app
region: flash_primary
size: 0x800 # 2 KB

address: 0xC800
end_address: 0x2e000
start: 0x1000 # Align to 4 KB boundary of flash sector
region: flash_primary
size: 0x21800 # 136 KB

address: 0xC000
end_address: 0x2e000
orig_span: &id001
- app
- mcuboot_pad
region: flash_primary
sharers: 0x1
size: 0x22000 # 136 KB
span: *id001

address: 0xC800
end_address: 0x2e000
orig_span: &id002
- app
region: flash_primary
size: 0x21800 # 136 KB
span: *id002

address: 0x2e000
end_address: 0x30000
region: flash_primary
size: 0x2000 # 8 KB

address: 0x20000000
end_address: 0x20006000
region: sram_primary
size: 0x6000 # 24 KB


  • Hello,

    Did you have a bootloader before your original setup started failing?

    How did it start failing in the first place?

    I am having trouble putting a debugger on the boards, with this setup.

    What does this mean? There is a debugger present on your board? And you are able to program it, right?

    If i remove the bootloader, the app is put on the boards, but it will not respond on anything either. I have tried flashing the boards with the files (Zephyr.hex, merged.hex and app_update.bin).

    How do you flash it? Do you use a command? VS Code?

    Cool, but now i cannot get any of the boards to respond on either RTT or UART.

    What tools are you trying to use to read the RTT or UART? Have you tried external terminals? J-Link RTT Viewer or Putty?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Edvin, 

    Yes i was already using the MCUBOOT bootloader and it worked flawless before.

    I have now mounted a debugger via arm-non-eabi GDB and Jlink GDB server.

    I have tried flashing it with the NRF connect GUI, JlinkEXE and nrfjprog, all with the same outcome.

    I have been using the Nrf connect vscode extension and JLinkRTTViewer for RTT view

    From what i can see on the debugger my error is either a Stack or Heap problem

    The configs that i use to change the behaviour is:

    # Enable MPU
    # Enable hardware stack protection

  • Here are most of the different errors i meet in the GDB debugger.
    Note: After all these errors, the board always reset and start from the beginning again. It seems to me, that when i change the configs shown before, that the errors change

    Reading symbols from build/zephyr/zephyr.elf...
    Remote debugging using localhost:2331
    mpsc_pbuf_alloc (buffer=buffer@entry=0x20000560 <log_buffer>, wlen=wlen@entry=6, timeout=...)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/mpsc_pbuf.c:366
    warning: 366 /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/mpsc_pbuf.c: No such file or directory
    (gdb) bt
    #0 mpsc_pbuf_alloc (buffer=buffer@entry=0x20000560 <log_buffer>, wlen=wlen@entry=6, timeout=...)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/mpsc_pbuf.c:366
    #1 0x00011272 in msg_alloc (buffer=buffer@entry=0x20000560 <log_buffer>, wlen=wlen@entry=6)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/subsys/logging/log_core.c:611
    #2 0x00002c3a in z_log_msg_alloc (wlen=wlen@entry=6)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/subsys/logging/log_core.c:620
    #3 0x00011342 in z_log_msg_simple_create (source=0x16430 <log_const_os>, level=level@entry=1,
    data=data@entry=0x20004d1c <z_main_stack+412>, len=len@entry=1)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/subsys/logging/log_msg.c:76
    #4 0x00011396 in z_impl_z_log_msg_simple_create_0 (source=<optimized out>, level=level@entry=1,
    fmt=fmt@entry=0x17234 "***** HARD FAULT *****") at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/subsys/logging/log_msg.c:138
    #5 0x00003ec8 in z_log_msg_simple_create_0 (fmt=0x17234 "***** HARD FAULT *****", level=1, source=<optimized out>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/app/build/zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_msg.h:38
    #6 hard_fault (esf=0x20004a08 <z_interrupt_stacks+2056>, recoverable=recoverable@entry=0x20004d67 <z_main_stack+487>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:769
    #7 0x0001172a in fault_handle (esf=esf@entry=0x20004a08 <z_interrupt_stacks+2056>, fault=fault@entry=3,
    recoverable=recoverable@entry=0x20004d67 <z_main_stack+487>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:850
    #8 0x00003fb2 in z_arm_fault (msp=<optimized out>, psp=<optimized out>, exc_return=<optimized out>,
    callee_regs=<optimized out>) at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:1119
    #9 0x00004030 in z_arm_usage_fault () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault_s.S:102
    #10 <signal handler called>
    #11 chunk_field (f=SIZE_AND_USED, c=11712, h=0x20000688 <logging_thread>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/heap.h:116
    #12 chunk_size (c=11712, h=0x20000688 <logging_thread>) at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/heap.h:144
    #13 right_chunk (c=11712, h=0x20000688 <logging_thread>) at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/heap.h:206
    #14 split_chunks (h=0x20000688 <logging_thread>, lc=<optimized out>, rc=11712)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/heap.c:121
    #15 0x00000000 in ?? ()

    Breakpoint 1, 0x0000a9a8 in SystemInit () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx/mdk/system_nrf52.c:189
    189 in /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx/mdk/system_nrf52.c

    (gdb) bt
    #0 0x0000a702 in SystemInit () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx/mdk/system_nrf52.c:283
    #1 0x00002318 in z_arm_reset () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/reset.S:97
    Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)

    (gdb) bt
    #0 0x000026b4 in z_arm_init_arch_hw_at_boot () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/scb.c:140
    #1 0x000025e4 in z_arm_reset () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/reset.S:112

    (gdb) bt
    #0 z_arm_init_arch_hw_at_boot () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/scb.c:112
    #1 0x000023ea in z_impl_k_thread_abort (thread=0x0 <z_impl_k_str_out>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/thread_abort.c:28
    Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)

    z_arm_clear_arm_mpu_config () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/scb.c:60
    warning: 60 /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/scb.c: No such file or directory

    Breakpoint 1, 0x000023c6 in z_arm_is_synchronous_svc (esf=<optimized out>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:731
    731 in /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c

    0x00002334 in usage_fault (esf=0x0 <z_impl_k_str_out>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:559
    warning: 559 /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c: No such file or directory

    Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
    z_arm_reset () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/reset.S:73
    warning: 73 /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/reset.S: No such file or directory

  • Here are most of the different errors i meet in the GDB debugger.
    Note: After all these errors, the board always reset and start from the beginning again. It seems to me, that when i change the configs shown before, that the errors change

    Reading symbols from build/zephyr/zephyr.elf...
    Remote debugging using localhost:2331
    mpsc_pbuf_alloc (buffer=buffer@entry=0x20000560 <log_buffer>, wlen=wlen@entry=6, timeout=...)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/mpsc_pbuf.c:366
    warning: 366 /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/mpsc_pbuf.c: No such file or directory
    (gdb) bt
    #0 mpsc_pbuf_alloc (buffer=buffer@entry=0x20000560 <log_buffer>, wlen=wlen@entry=6, timeout=...)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/mpsc_pbuf.c:366
    #1 0x00011272 in msg_alloc (buffer=buffer@entry=0x20000560 <log_buffer>, wlen=wlen@entry=6)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/subsys/logging/log_core.c:611
    #2 0x00002c3a in z_log_msg_alloc (wlen=wlen@entry=6)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/subsys/logging/log_core.c:620
    #3 0x00011342 in z_log_msg_simple_create (source=0x16430 <log_const_os>, level=level@entry=1,
    data=data@entry=0x20004d1c <z_main_stack+412>, len=len@entry=1)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/subsys/logging/log_msg.c:76
    #4 0x00011396 in z_impl_z_log_msg_simple_create_0 (source=<optimized out>, level=level@entry=1,
    fmt=fmt@entry=0x17234 "***** HARD FAULT *****") at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/subsys/logging/log_msg.c:138
    #5 0x00003ec8 in z_log_msg_simple_create_0 (fmt=0x17234 "***** HARD FAULT *****", level=1, source=<optimized out>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/app/build/zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_msg.h:38
    #6 hard_fault (esf=0x20004a08 <z_interrupt_stacks+2056>, recoverable=recoverable@entry=0x20004d67 <z_main_stack+487>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:769
    #7 0x0001172a in fault_handle (esf=esf@entry=0x20004a08 <z_interrupt_stacks+2056>, fault=fault@entry=3,
    recoverable=recoverable@entry=0x20004d67 <z_main_stack+487>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:850
    #8 0x00003fb2 in z_arm_fault (msp=<optimized out>, psp=<optimized out>, exc_return=<optimized out>,
    callee_regs=<optimized out>) at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:1119
    #9 0x00004030 in z_arm_usage_fault () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault_s.S:102
    #10 <signal handler called>
    #11 chunk_field (f=SIZE_AND_USED, c=11712, h=0x20000688 <logging_thread>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/heap.h:116
    #12 chunk_size (c=11712, h=0x20000688 <logging_thread>) at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/heap.h:144
    #13 right_chunk (c=11712, h=0x20000688 <logging_thread>) at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/heap.h:206
    #14 split_chunks (h=0x20000688 <logging_thread>, lc=<optimized out>, rc=11712)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/lib/os/heap.c:121
    #15 0x00000000 in ?? ()

    Breakpoint 1, 0x0000a9a8 in SystemInit () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx/mdk/system_nrf52.c:189
    189 in /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx/mdk/system_nrf52.c

    (gdb) bt
    #0 0x0000a702 in SystemInit () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx/mdk/system_nrf52.c:283
    #1 0x00002318 in z_arm_reset () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/reset.S:97
    Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)

    (gdb) bt
    #0 0x000026b4 in z_arm_init_arch_hw_at_boot () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/scb.c:140
    #1 0x000025e4 in z_arm_reset () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/reset.S:112

    (gdb) bt
    #0 z_arm_init_arch_hw_at_boot () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/scb.c:112
    #1 0x000023ea in z_impl_k_thread_abort (thread=0x0 <z_impl_k_str_out>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/thread_abort.c:28
    Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)

    z_arm_clear_arm_mpu_config () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/scb.c:60
    warning: 60 /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/scb.c: No such file or directory

    Breakpoint 1, 0x000023c6 in z_arm_is_synchronous_svc (esf=<optimized out>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:731
    731 in /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c

    0x00002334 in usage_fault (esf=0x0 <z_impl_k_str_out>)
    at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c:559
    warning: 559 /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/fault.c: No such file or directory

    Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
    z_arm_reset () at /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/reset.S:73
    warning: 73 /home/kba/md_bt_sniffer/nrf_bt_app/zephyr/arch/arm/core/cortex_m/reset.S: No such file or directory
