Hello Everyone,
• nRF5340-based module
• nRF Connect SDK 2.7
• Peripheral device should support two simultaneous central connections (iOS apps)
• First central (iOS app) connects successfully, all services and characteristics are accessible.
• When attempting to connect a second central:
• The app can only discover service UUIDs, but no characteristics.
• The connection then fails with an error.
Logs from BLE client:
• This happens consistently when adding a second connection.
```User initiated device connection.
15:34:24.4590: connected in underlying BLE layer.
15:34:25.2370: discovered services: (only UUIDs visible)
15:34:25.2450: state changed to 'Disconnected' with error: The connection was not successful.
15:34:25.2450: disconnected in underlying BLE layer.
Has anyone encountered this issue before?
If not, do you have any idea what the problem might be?