Issue: Second central device connects but cannot access services/characteristics on nrf5340 as peripheral

Hello Everyone,

• nRF5340-based module
• nRF Connect SDK 2.7
• Peripheral device should support two simultaneous central connections (iOS apps)

• First central (iOS app) connects successfully, all services and characteristics are accessible.
• When attempting to connect a second central:
• The app can only discover service UUIDs, but no characteristics.
• The connection then fails with an error.

Logs from BLE client:
• This happens consistently when adding a second connection.

```User initiated device connection.
15:34:24.4590: connected in underlying BLE layer.
15:34:25.2370: discovered services: (only UUIDs visible)
15:34:25.2450: state changed to 'Disconnected' with error: The connection was not successful.
15:34:25.2450: disconnected in underlying BLE layer.


Has anyone encountered this issue before?

If not, do you have any idea what the problem might be?

  • Hello,

    Do you know what are the connection parameters for each of the links here?

    Does it work flawlessly if you are not connecting the phone?

    15:34:25.2450: state changed to 'Disconnected' with error: The connection was not successful.

    This is a pretty common error if for instance the peer device does not allow the central to connect. For instance if the peripheral is advertising with whitelist enabled that does not allow/include the second central to connect. So make sure to advertise without whitelist. It may also happen if the connection request packet is not received, but that should only happen intermittently, not always. I assume you have enabled the peripheral to allow more than 1 connection.


  • Hello,

    Do you know what are the connection parameters for each of the links here?

    Does it work flawlessly if you are not connecting the phone?

    15:34:25.2450: state changed to 'Disconnected' with error: The connection was not successful.

    This is a pretty common error if for instance the peer device does not allow the central to connect. For instance if the peripheral is advertising with whitelist enabled that does not allow/include the second central to connect. So make sure to advertise without whitelist. It may also happen if the connection request packet is not received, but that should only happen intermittently, not always. I assume you have enabled the peripheral to allow more than 1 connection.

