periodic_sync_rsp error code pawr


I am trying to experiment the PaWR using the sample projects in NCS.

I flashed periodic_adv_rsp example in nRF52840DK and periodic_sync_rsp in nrf52832 DK. I can see proper debug messages for example periodic_adv_rsp but I get error message for periodic_sync_rsp example on bootup on nRF52832DK. Could you please have a look into the below logs and let me know what's happening ?

*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0-rc3-cb7b6efdf17a ***
*** Using Zephyr OS v3.6.99-3e80418dd59f ***
Starting Periodic Advertising with Responses Synchronization Demo
[00:00:05.404,479] <inf> bt_sdc_hci_driver: SoftDevice Controller build revision: 
                                            d6 da c7 ae 08 db 72 6f  2a a3 26 49 2a 4d a8 b3 | *.&I*M..
                                            98 0e 07 7f                                      |....             
[00:00:05.407,531] <inf> bt_hci_core: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
[00:00:05.407,562] <inf> bt_hci_core: HW Variant: nRF52x (0x0002)
[00:00:05.407,592] <inf> bt_hci_core: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 214.51162 Build 1926957230
[00:00:05.408,569] <inf> bt_hci_core: Identity: F5:77:91:DE:B5:65 (random)
[00:00:05.408,599] <inf> bt_hci_core: HCI: version 5.4 (0x0d) revision 0x11fb, manufacturer 0x0059
[00:00:05.408,630] <inf> bt_hci_core: LMP: version 5.4 (0x0d) subver 0x11fb
Waiting for periodic sync...
Timed out while synchronizing
Waiting for periodic sync...
Timed out while synchronizing
[00:00:25.410,583] <wrn> bt_hci_core: opcode 0x2036 status 0x0c
Advertising failed to start (err -13)

  • Hi,

    Did you make it work?

    I have tested the samples on my desk, using an nRF52833 DK and an nRF52840 DK, and everything seems fine here. I was using zephyr\samples\bluetooth\periodic_adv_rsp on the nRF52840 DK and zephyr\samples\bluetooth\periodic_sync_rsp on the nRF52833 DK, from nRF Connect SDK v2.9.0.

    Please check and make sure that when you made the build configuration, you selected the correct board (nrf52840dk/nrf52840 for one sample, and nrf52dk/nrf52832 for the other, if those are the DKs that you use.) Also make sure that you program the correct sample on the correct board.

    Also, as mentioned by , have you tested a simpler sample, such as a basic BLE sample, to confirm that the board is fully functional, including the radio? E.g. the Bluetooth: Peripheral LBS sample on the board, and use either nRF Connect for Desktop with the BLE app, or the nRF Connect smartphone app, to connect to it and confirm the connection works.


  • I think the issue was one of the boards. I changed the board and it is working now. Thanks 

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