nRF52840 - Old one works, new one doesn't

We had three nRF52840DK boards (PCA10056) for several years for use in development.  Then one died (or to be fair, I killed it), so we got two more that turned out to be newer.

I've got both the nRF Command Line Tools (e.g., nrfjprog) and nrfutil.  I understand nrfjprog is slated for obsolescence, so I'd like to switch to nrfutil, except that nrfutil does not yet support writing (and reading) to flash blocks or UICR addresses, and I must have that.  So nrfjprog is still the go-to tool.

What I'm seeing is that I can reliably program both old and new DKs with either tool.

Now, I'm using these DKs as programmers for the target hardware.  The target has a Tag-Connect footprint, and I'm using a 6-inch TC2030-CTX-NL cable.

The old DK works flawlessly, every time.  The new DK does not.

Furthermore, when I have the programming cable connected (to DEBUG_OUT, P19) and just hanging (a transmission-line stub?), the old DK will respond to commands but the new one never does.

So, with the cable hanging there, the new DK gets the following errors:

D:\home\dormand\>nrfjprog -f NRF52 --program project.hex --verify --chiperase --pinreset
[error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_device_info executed for 140 milliseconds with result -102
[error] [ Worker] - An unknown error.
[error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 30 milliseconds with result -102
Failed to read device memories.
[error] [ Worker] - An unknown error.
ERROR: JLinkARM DLL reported an error. Try again. If error condition
ERROR: persists, run the same command again with argument --log, contact Nordic
ERROR: Semiconductor and provide the generated log.log file to them.
NOTE: For additional output, try running again with logging enabled (--log).
NOTE: Any generated log error messages will be displayed.

D:\home\dormand>nrfutil device program --firmware project.hex --options verify=VERIFY_READ,reset=RESET_PIN
[00:00:00] ------ 0% [1050227132] Failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR
Error: One or more program tasks failed:
* 1050227132: [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink

More info - taking the stub programming cable off the new board (it won't respond to _anything_ with the cable present),

D:\home\dormand>nrfutil device device-info
serial_number: 000683450546
    boardVersion: PCA10056
    deviceFamily: NRF52_FAMILY
    deviceVersion: NRF52840_xxAA_REV2
    jlinkObFirmwareVersion: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Jun 25 2024 17:06:37
serial_number: 001050227132
    boardVersion: PCA10056
    deviceFamily: NRF52_FAMILY
    deviceVersion: NRF52840_xxAA_REV3
    jlinkObFirmwareVersion: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Oct 30 2023 12:13:06

Error: Failed to device info one or more devices:
* id:8: No matching plugin found for operations to execute, code: UnsupportedDevice

I see both the device version is different and the JLink firmware is _Very_ different.  Very surprised to see anything "nrf5340" on a nRF52840DK board.

I believe I've seen the means on the DevZone for replacing the firmware, but I am reluctant to do so, since without the cable the board _does_ in fact program and _sometimes_ can succeed in programming a target.  This seems to be more of a hardware problem, if merely the presence of a 6-inch stub on P19 prevents the JLink from doiong _anything_.

My other newer DK behaves the same exact way.

D:\home\dormand>nrfutil device device-info
    serial_number: 001050268011
    boardVersion: PCA10056
    deviceFamily: NRF52_FAMILY
    deviceVersion: NRF52840_xxAA_REV3
    jlinkObFirmwareVersion: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Oct 30 2023 12:13:06

Error: Failed to device info one or more devices:
* id:7: No matching plugin found for operations to execute, code: UnsupportedDevice

  • Should have mentioned:

    D:\home\dormand>nrfutil --version
    nrfutil 7.13.0 (8289424 2024-07-01)
    commit-hash: 82894242d19ff24a1541712312b3ea3af0ca8f85
    commit-date: 2024-07-01
    host: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
    build-timestamp: 2024-07-01T07:37:50.864803700Z
    classification: nrf-external

    D:\home\dormand>nrfjprog --version
    nrfjprog version: 10.24.2 external
    JLinkARM.dll version: 8.14

    And I should have generated a log like the error message requested.  Now attached.

    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] nrfjprog -f NRF52 --program project.hex --verify --chiperase --pinreset --log 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] nrfjprog version 10.24.2 external
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] Load library at C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\nrfjprog.dll.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - open
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - start
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence 5b771a4c-a7fe-41fb-bba2-840579e92df1.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 26 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - config
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - open
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - just_check_family
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLink_x64.dll.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Client] - Command config executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Set batch mode
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 8.14.  loaded.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - config
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Worker] - Command config executed for 1 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 14 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - enum_emu_con_info
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_con_info
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_get_num_emus
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger logging enabled.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Feb 11 2025 17:15:35
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Feb 11 2025 17:15:35
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Hardware: V1.00
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - S/N: 1050227132
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - OEM: SEGGER
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Bootloader: 2021 May 18
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - USB speed mode: Full speed (12 MBit/s)
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Looking for J-Link GUI Server exe at: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLinkGUIServer.exe 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Forking J-Link GUI Server: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLinkGUIServer.exe 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 79 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - read_connected_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - read_device_info
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - J-Link GUI Server info: "J-Link GUI server V8.14 " 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 54.324ms returns "O.K."  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.001ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.001ms returns 0x00  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.001ms returns 0x00  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.007ms returns 0  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.648ms returns 0x00  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeedInfo()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - 128000000 Hz / n, n >= 64
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.005ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 2000kHz
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.084ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeed()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 2000  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - SWD clock set to 2000kHz
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSN()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 1050227132  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.005ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - read_device_family
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 68 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - read_connected_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_connected_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.003ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - read_device_info
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_read_device_version
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - coresight_configure
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.775ms returns 0  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 101.508ms returns 0  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_device_info executed for 142 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [warning] Failed to read device info. Attempting to complete command anyways.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_idr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - read_memory_descriptors
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.553ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.561ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.562ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.530ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.610ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.535ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.511ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.491ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.525ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.522ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.658ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.663ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.552ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.548ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.495ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.472ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.500ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.490ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.481ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.467ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.461ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.496ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.482ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.543ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.483ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.470ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.561ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.489ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.516ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.471ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.459ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.499ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.494ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.460ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.542ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.499ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.478ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.458ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.477ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.824ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.539ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.505ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.115ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_device_info executed for 127 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - read_memory_descriptors
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.017ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_read_memory_descriptors
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.749ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.562ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.555ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.497ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.468ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.468ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.511ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.475ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.461ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.490ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.515ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.466ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.478ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.476ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.449ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.444ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.458ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.450ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.465ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.442ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.434ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.431ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.535ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.428ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.464ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.432ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.449ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.455ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.470ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 30 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.470ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.437ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.504ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.451ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.547ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.496ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.462ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.428ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.459ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.033ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 21 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - close
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_device
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsConnected()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns FALSE  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.476ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.463ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.434ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.517ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.458ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.573ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.424ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.497ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.454ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.516ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.445ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.531ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.514ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.446ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.449ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.449ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.460ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.433ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.427ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.589ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.470ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.435ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.448ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.437ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.463ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.429ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.462ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.446ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.519ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.516ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.461ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.518ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.458ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.518ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.445ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.537ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Ignore exception An unknown error.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.024ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Close()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger Backend closed.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - nRF family DLL closed
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command close executed for 60 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Command close executed for 77 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - terminate
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Executed 9 commands for 281 milliseconds
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - Child process terminated with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Executed 9 commands for 383 milliseconds
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - terminate

    and the debug log for nrfutil

    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.065Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - nrfutil-device (version = 2.3.6, platform = x86_64-pc-windows-msvc) invoked with program --firmware project.hex --options verify=VERIFY_READ,reset=RESET_PIN --log-level debug --log-output file --json 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.065Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - cargo = false, force_libnrfdl_lookup = false, force_nrfutil_libdir = false
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.065Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Creating the nrfdl context via nrfdl_create_context_with_config: Plugin location is assumed to be C:\Users\dormand\.nrfutil\lib\nrfutil-device
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [devkit] Operation get_version_list failed with error code NRFDL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.071Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.071913Z] Opened J-Link DLL at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLink_x64.dll with version 8.14
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.130Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] start
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][-] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] just_check_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] open_dll
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] jlink_dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Set batch mode
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Segger Backend closed.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] nRF family DLL closed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.190Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.241Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.241Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.243Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Child process terminated with result 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.243Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.250Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [JlinkARM] JlinkARM version non expected one found: JLink_V8.14 , expected: JLink_V7.94e
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.250Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [boardController] Operation get_version_list failed with error code NRFDL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - operation to get devices for : Ok("{\"operations\":[{\"operation\":{\"experimental\":{\"boot_sdfw\":false},\"firmware\":{\"file\":\"project.hex\"},\"reset\":\"RESET_PIN\",\"type\":\"program\",\"verify\":\"VERIFY_READ\"}}]}")
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: enumerate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_045E&PID_0745#5&30741cdd&0&8#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=, pid=, port=8
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&C7355C0&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 8, origin: {CB4D6ED3-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_045E&PID_0745#5&30741cdd&0&8#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {CB4D6ED3-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_048D&PID_5702#5&30741cdd&0&11#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=, pid=, port=11
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&C7355C0&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 11, origin: {CB4D6EE2-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_048D&PID_5702#5&30741cdd&0&11#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {CB4D6EE2-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_046D&PID_085B#50E6182F#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=0BDA, pid=5411, port=3
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#VID_0BDA&PID_5411#5&30741CDD&0&7#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 3, origin: {5B49C84F-7CDC-5125-A2A4-CF3821DB7BCA}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_046D&PID_085B#50E6182F#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {5B49C84F-7CDC-5125-A2A4-CF3821DB7BCA}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_413C&PID_301A#5&30741cdd&0&10#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=, pid=, port=10
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&C7355C0&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 10, origin: {CB4D6EE1-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_413C&PID_301A#5&30741cdd&0&10#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {CB4D6EE1-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_05E3&PID_0752#9&2ee12ad4&0&1#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=05E3, pid=0618, port=1
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#VID_05E3&PID_0618#8&1390D9CF&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 1, origin: {CB4D6EF5-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_05E3&PID_0752#9&2ee12ad4&0&1#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {CB4D6EF5-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=0BDA, pid=5411, port=4
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#VID_0BDA&PID_5411#6&24FC7038&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 4, origin: {FDFCFC08-A25F-558E-976E-FCCE2F7CA827}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  serial number: 001050227132
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {FDFCFC08-A25F-558E-976E-FCCE2F7CA827}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 1 and serial number: '{CB4D6ED3-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 2 and serial number: '{CB4D6EE2-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 3 and serial number: '{5B49C84F-7CDC-5125-A2A4-CF3821DB7BCA}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 4 and serial number: '{CB4D6EE1-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 5 and serial number: '{CB4D6EF5-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 6 and serial number: '001050227132'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.258Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [devkit] enumerate: Device with ID 6 has board version PCA10056
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.259Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'devkit' took 2 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.259Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.259218Z] Opened J-Link DLL at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLink_x64.dll with version 8.14
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.260Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.260568Z] Found 1 attached J-Link devices
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.260Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'Probe' took 1 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.319Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.319Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] start
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.345Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][-] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] just_check_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] open_dll
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Set batch mode
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] ---just_get_num_emus
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.350Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] Found 1 JLink devices connected
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Segger Backend closed.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] nRF family DLL closed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.366Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.432Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.432Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.434Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Child process terminated with result 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.434Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.445Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'jlink' took 184 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.526Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [boardController] Found 10 HID devices.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.526Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'BOARDCONTROLLER' took 81 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Searching parent device for: \\?\ACPI#PNP0501#0#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7A06&SUBSYS_50011458&REV_11\3&11583659&0&F8
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: ACPI\PNP0A08\0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08\0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: HTREE\ROOT\0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Could not open register key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_&PID_
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32]  serial port \\?\ACPI#PNP0501#0#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} has no USB identifier, using container ID
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Searching parent device for: \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_02#8&45E11BE&0&0002#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: USB\VID_1366&PID_1061\001050227132
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 1 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] - \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32]  serial port \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_02#8&45E11BE&0&0002#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} has USB identifier \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Searching parent device for: \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_00#8&45E11BE&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: USB\VID_1366&PID_1061\001050227132
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 1 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] - \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32]  serial port \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_00#8&45E11BE&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} has USB identifier \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] try to map FTDI to segger device
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [serialport] serialport enumerate  device not found add new device sn: ''
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - plugin added new device: 7 sn: 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [serialport] serialport enumerate update device: '001050227132'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'serialport' took 2 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'sdfu' took 0 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'mcuBoot' took 0 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'broken' took 0 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR -  NRFDLException(19): plugin devkit query failed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR -  NRFDLException(19): plugin Probe query failed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - No serial-number or traits provided. But only one relevant device is connected. Will perform operation with Device { device: Object {"devkit": Object {"boardVersion": String("PCA10056"), "deviceFamily": String("NRF52_FAMILY")}, "id": Number(6), "probe": Object {}, "serialNumber": String("001050227132"), "serialPorts": Array [Object {"comName": String("COM6"), "manufacturer": String("Microsoft"), "path": String("\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_00#8&45E11BE&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}"), "productId": String("1061"), "serialNumber": String("001050227132"), "vcom": Number(0), "vendorId": String("1366")}, Object {"comName": String("COM5"), "manufacturer": String("Microsoft"), "path": String("\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_02#8&45E11BE&0&0002#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}"), "productId": String("1061"), "serialNumber": String("001050227132"), "vcom": Number(1), "vendorId": String("1366")}], "traits": Object {"boardController": Bool(false), "broken": Bool(false), "devkit": Bool(true), "jlink": Bool(true), "mcuBoot": Bool(false), "modem": Bool(false), "nordicDfu": Bool(false), "nordicUsb": Bool(false), "seggerUsb": Bool(true), "serialPorts": Bool(true), "usb": Bool(true)}, "usb": Object {"device": Object {"address": Number(43), "busNumber": Number(0), "descriptor": Object {"bDescriptorType": Number(1), "bcdDevice": Number(256), "idProduct": Number(4193), "idVendor": Number(4966)}}, "manufacturer": String("SEGGER"), "osDevicePath": String("\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}"), "product": String("J-Link"), "serialNumber": String("001050227132")}} }
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.531296Z] probe-plugin will check if the device is a NRF54H/NRF54L to determine if it should claim it
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.531319Z] The device is a devkit and is annotated with the device family during enumeration, checking that
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.531326Z] Device family nRF52 not NRF54H/NRF54L, not supported by probe-plugin
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - Loaded plugin C:\Users\dormand\.nrfutil\lib\nrfutil-device\10-nrfdl-jlink-plugin.nrfdl, starting to resolve symbols
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] Initializing Jlink debug probe for device {"devkit":{"boardVersion":"PCA10056","deviceFamily":"NRF52_FAMILY"},"id":6,"probe":{},"serialNumber":"001050227132","serialPorts":[{"comName":"COM6","manufacturer":"Microsoft","path":"\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_00#8&45E11BE&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}","productId":"1061","serialNumber":"001050227132","vcom":0,"vendorId":"1366"},{"comName":"COM5","manufacturer":"Microsoft","path":"\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_02#8&45E11BE&0&0002#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}","productId":"1061","serialNumber":"001050227132","vcom":1,"vendorId":"1366"}],"traits":{"boardController":false,"broken":false,"devkit":true,"jlink":true,"mcuBoot":false,"modem":false,"nordicDfu":false,"nordicUsb":false,"seggerUsb":true,"serialPorts":true,"usb":true},"usb":{"device":{"address":43,"busNumber":0,"descriptor":{"bDescriptorType":1,"bcdDevice":256,"idProduct":4193,"idVendor":4966}},"manufacturer":"SEGGER","osDevicePath":"\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}","product":"J-Link","serialNumber":"001050227132"},"usbIdentifier":"\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}"} with serial number 001050227132
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] Opening JLink DLL
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.594Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.594Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] start
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][001050227132] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] just_check_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] open_dll
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.619Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Set batch mode
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_get_num_emus
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Segger logging enabled.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.673Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] read_device_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 2000kHz
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] SWD clock set to 2000kHz
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] read_device_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] read_device_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] read_debug_port_idr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] coresight_configure
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] read_debug_port_idr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.800Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] Encountered error -102: Command read_device_family executed for 126 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][001050227132] An unknown error.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_device
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.832Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Ignore exception An unknown error.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.842Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Segger Backend closed.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.842Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] nRF family DLL closed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.854Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.889Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.890Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.891Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] Child process terminated with result 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.891Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - ~async_task id: 815076675180
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Task 815076675180 is already completed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.907Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - close plugin dll at path: C:\Users\dormand\.nrfutil\lib\nrfutil-device\10-nrfdl-jlink-plugin.nrfdl

  • Should have mentioned:

    D:\home\dormand>nrfutil --version
    nrfutil 7.13.0 (8289424 2024-07-01)
    commit-hash: 82894242d19ff24a1541712312b3ea3af0ca8f85
    commit-date: 2024-07-01
    host: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
    build-timestamp: 2024-07-01T07:37:50.864803700Z
    classification: nrf-external

    D:\home\dormand>nrfjprog --version
    nrfjprog version: 10.24.2 external
    JLinkARM.dll version: 8.14

    And I should have generated a log like the error message requested.  Now attached.

    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] nrfjprog -f NRF52 --program project.hex --verify --chiperase --pinreset --log 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] nrfjprog version 10.24.2 external
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] Load library at C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\nrfjprog.dll.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - open
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - start
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence 5b771a4c-a7fe-41fb-bba2-840579e92df1.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 26 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - config
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - open
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - just_check_family
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLink_x64.dll.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Client] - Command config executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Set batch mode
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 8.14.  loaded.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - config
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Worker] - Command config executed for 1 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 14 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [ Client] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - enum_emu_con_info
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_con_info
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [  nRF52] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_get_num_emus
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger logging enabled.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Feb 11 2025 17:15:35
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Feb 11 2025 17:15:35
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Hardware: V1.00
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - S/N: 1050227132
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - OEM: SEGGER
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Bootloader: 2021 May 18
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - USB speed mode: Full speed (12 MBit/s)
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Looking for J-Link GUI Server exe at: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLinkGUIServer.exe 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:22] [trace] [  JLink] - Forking J-Link GUI Server: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLinkGUIServer.exe 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 79 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - read_connected_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - read_device_info
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - J-Link GUI Server info: "J-Link GUI server V8.14 " 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 54.324ms returns "O.K."  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.001ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.001ms returns 0x00  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.001ms returns 0x00  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.007ms returns 0  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.648ms returns 0x00  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeedInfo()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - 128000000 Hz / n, n >= 64
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.005ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 2000kHz
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.084ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeed()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 2000  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - SWD clock set to 2000kHz
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSN()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 1050227132  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.005ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - read_device_family
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 68 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - read_connected_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_connected_emu_snr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.003ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - read_device_info
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_read_device_version
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - coresight_configure
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.775ms returns 0  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 101.508ms returns 0  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_device_info executed for 142 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [warning] Failed to read device info. Attempting to complete command anyways.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_idr
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - read_memory_descriptors
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.553ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.561ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.562ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.530ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.610ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.535ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.511ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.491ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.525ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.522ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.658ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.663ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.552ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.548ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.495ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.472ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.500ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.490ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.481ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.467ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.461ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.496ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.482ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.543ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.483ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.470ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.561ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.489ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.516ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.471ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.459ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.499ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.494ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.460ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.542ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.499ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.478ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.458ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.477ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.824ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.539ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.505ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.115ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_device_info executed for 127 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - read_memory_descriptors
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.017ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_read_memory_descriptors
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.749ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.562ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.555ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.497ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.468ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.468ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.511ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.475ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.461ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.490ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.515ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.466ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.478ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.476ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.449ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.444ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.458ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.450ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.465ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.442ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.434ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.431ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.535ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.428ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.464ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.432ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.449ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.455ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.470ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -102: Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 30 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.470ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.437ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.504ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.451ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.547ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.496ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.462ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.428ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.459ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.033ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [error] [ Worker] - An unknown error.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 21 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - close
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 0x01  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_device
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsConnected()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns FALSE  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.476ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.463ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.434ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.517ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.458ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.573ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.424ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.497ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.454ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.516ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.445ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.531ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.514ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.446ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.449ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.449ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.460ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.433ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.427ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.589ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.470ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.435ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.448ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.437ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.463ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.429ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.462ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.446ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.519ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.457ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.516ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.461ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.518ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.458ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.518ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.445ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00, 0x0000001F)  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.537ms returns -1  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Ignore exception An unknown error.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.024ms   
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Close()  
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger Backend closed.
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [  nRF52] - nRF family DLL closed
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command close executed for 60 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Command close executed for 77 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - terminate
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Worker] - Executed 9 commands for 281 milliseconds
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - Child process terminated with result 0
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [trace] [ Client] - Executed 9 commands for 383 milliseconds
    [2025-Feb-21 11:16:23] [debug] [ Client] - terminate

    and the debug log for nrfutil

    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.065Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - nrfutil-device (version = 2.3.6, platform = x86_64-pc-windows-msvc) invoked with program --firmware project.hex --options verify=VERIFY_READ,reset=RESET_PIN --log-level debug --log-output file --json 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.065Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - cargo = false, force_libnrfdl_lookup = false, force_nrfutil_libdir = false
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.065Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Creating the nrfdl context via nrfdl_create_context_with_config: Plugin location is assumed to be C:\Users\dormand\.nrfutil\lib\nrfutil-device
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [devkit] Operation get_version_list failed with error code NRFDL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.071Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.071913Z] Opened J-Link DLL at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLink_x64.dll with version 8.14
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.130Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] start
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][-] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] just_check_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] open_dll
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] jlink_dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Set batch mode
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Segger Backend closed.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] nRF family DLL closed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.190Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.241Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.241Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.243Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Child process terminated with result 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.243Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.250Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [JlinkARM] JlinkARM version non expected one found: JLink_V8.14 , expected: JLink_V7.94e
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.250Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [boardController] Operation get_version_list failed with error code NRFDL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - operation to get devices for : Ok("{\"operations\":[{\"operation\":{\"experimental\":{\"boot_sdfw\":false},\"firmware\":{\"file\":\"project.hex\"},\"reset\":\"RESET_PIN\",\"type\":\"program\",\"verify\":\"VERIFY_READ\"}}]}")
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: enumerate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_045E&PID_0745#5&30741cdd&0&8#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=, pid=, port=8
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&C7355C0&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 8, origin: {CB4D6ED3-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.251Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_045E&PID_0745#5&30741cdd&0&8#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {CB4D6ED3-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_048D&PID_5702#5&30741cdd&0&11#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=, pid=, port=11
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&C7355C0&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 11, origin: {CB4D6EE2-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_048D&PID_5702#5&30741cdd&0&11#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {CB4D6EE2-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_046D&PID_085B#50E6182F#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=0BDA, pid=5411, port=3
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#VID_0BDA&PID_5411#5&30741CDD&0&7#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 3, origin: {5B49C84F-7CDC-5125-A2A4-CF3821DB7BCA}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_046D&PID_085B#50E6182F#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {5B49C84F-7CDC-5125-A2A4-CF3821DB7BCA}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_413C&PID_301A#5&30741cdd&0&10#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=, pid=, port=10
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&C7355C0&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 10, origin: {CB4D6EE1-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.253Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_413C&PID_301A#5&30741cdd&0&10#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {CB4D6EE1-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_05E3&PID_0752#9&2ee12ad4&0&1#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=05E3, pid=0618, port=1
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#VID_05E3&PID_0618#8&1390D9CF&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 1, origin: {CB4D6EF5-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_05E3&PID_0752#9&2ee12ad4&0&1#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {CB4D6EF5-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Enumerating device \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Device connected to hub: vid=0BDA, pid=5411, port=4
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Hub device path: \\?\USB#VID_0BDA&PID_5411#6&24FC7038&0&1#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}, port number: 4, origin: {FDFCFC08-A25F-558E-976E-FCCE2F7CA827}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.255Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: Starting DeviceIoControl
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  serial number: 001050227132
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32: USB identifier: \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBPlatformAPI::Win32:  containerID: {FDFCFC08-A25F-558E-976E-FCCE2F7CA827}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 1 and serial number: '{CB4D6ED3-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 2 and serial number: '{CB4D6EE2-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 3 and serial number: '{5B49C84F-7CDC-5125-A2A4-CF3821DB7BCA}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 4 and serial number: '{CB4D6EE1-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 5 and serial number: '{CB4D6EF5-C900-11EF-B61D-806E6F6E6963}'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.256Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding new device with id 6 and serial number: '001050227132'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.258Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [devkit] enumerate: Device with ID 6 has board version PCA10056
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.259Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'devkit' took 2 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.259Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.259218Z] Opened J-Link DLL at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V814\JLink_x64.dll with version 8.14
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.260Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.260568Z] Found 1 attached J-Link devices
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.260Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'Probe' took 1 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.319Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.319Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] start
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.345Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][-] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] just_check_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] open_dll
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Set batch mode
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] ---just_get_num_emus
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.350Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] Found 1 JLink devices connected
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][-] Segger Backend closed.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.360Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][-] nRF family DLL closed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.366Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.432Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.432Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.434Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] Child process terminated with result 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.434Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][-] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.445Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'jlink' took 184 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.526Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [boardController] Found 10 HID devices.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.526Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'BOARDCONTROLLER' took 81 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Searching parent device for: \\?\ACPI#PNP0501#0#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7A06&SUBSYS_50011458&REV_11\3&11583659&0&F8
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: ACPI\PNP0A08\0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08\0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.527Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: HTREE\ROOT\0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 0 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Could not open register key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_&PID_
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32]  serial port \\?\ACPI#PNP0501#0#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} has no USB identifier, using container ID
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Searching parent device for: \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_02#8&45E11BE&0&0002#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: USB\VID_1366&PID_1061\001050227132
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 1 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] - \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.528Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32]  serial port \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_02#8&45E11BE&0&0002#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} has USB identifier \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Searching parent device for: \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_00#8&45E11BE&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device: USB\VID_1366&PID_1061\001050227132
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] Parent device has 1 interfaces:
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] - \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32]  serial port \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_00#8&45E11BE&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73} has USB identifier \\?\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::WIN32] try to map FTDI to segger device
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [serialport] serialport enumerate  device not found add new device sn: ''
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - plugin added new device: 7 sn: 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [serialport] serialport enumerate update device: '001050227132'
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'serialport' took 2 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'sdfu' took 0 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'mcuBoot' took 0 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Enumeration for plugin 'broken' took 0 ms
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR -  NRFDLException(19): plugin devkit query failed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR -  NRFDLException(19): plugin Probe query failed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.530Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - No serial-number or traits provided. But only one relevant device is connected. Will perform operation with Device { device: Object {"devkit": Object {"boardVersion": String("PCA10056"), "deviceFamily": String("NRF52_FAMILY")}, "id": Number(6), "probe": Object {}, "serialNumber": String("001050227132"), "serialPorts": Array [Object {"comName": String("COM6"), "manufacturer": String("Microsoft"), "path": String("\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_00#8&45E11BE&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}"), "productId": String("1061"), "serialNumber": String("001050227132"), "vcom": Number(0), "vendorId": String("1366")}, Object {"comName": String("COM5"), "manufacturer": String("Microsoft"), "path": String("\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_02#8&45E11BE&0&0002#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}"), "productId": String("1061"), "serialNumber": String("001050227132"), "vcom": Number(1), "vendorId": String("1366")}], "traits": Object {"boardController": Bool(false), "broken": Bool(false), "devkit": Bool(true), "jlink": Bool(true), "mcuBoot": Bool(false), "modem": Bool(false), "nordicDfu": Bool(false), "nordicUsb": Bool(false), "seggerUsb": Bool(true), "serialPorts": Bool(true), "usb": Bool(true)}, "usb": Object {"device": Object {"address": Number(43), "busNumber": Number(0), "descriptor": Object {"bDescriptorType": Number(1), "bcdDevice": Number(256), "idProduct": Number(4193), "idVendor": Number(4966)}}, "manufacturer": String("SEGGER"), "osDevicePath": String("\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}"), "product": String("J-Link"), "serialNumber": String("001050227132")}} }
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.531296Z] probe-plugin will check if the device is a NRF54H/NRF54L to determine if it should claim it
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.531319Z] The device is a devkit and is annotated with the device family during enumeration, checking that
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [ProbeLib] [2025-02-21 18:36:03.531326Z] Device family nRF52 not NRF54H/NRF54L, not supported by probe-plugin
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - Loaded plugin C:\Users\dormand\.nrfutil\lib\nrfutil-device\10-nrfdl-jlink-plugin.nrfdl, starting to resolve symbols
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] Initializing Jlink debug probe for device {"devkit":{"boardVersion":"PCA10056","deviceFamily":"NRF52_FAMILY"},"id":6,"probe":{},"serialNumber":"001050227132","serialPorts":[{"comName":"COM6","manufacturer":"Microsoft","path":"\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_00#8&45E11BE&0&0000#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}","productId":"1061","serialNumber":"001050227132","vcom":0,"vendorId":"1366"},{"comName":"COM5","manufacturer":"Microsoft","path":"\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061&MI_02#8&45E11BE&0&0002#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}","productId":"1061","serialNumber":"001050227132","vcom":1,"vendorId":"1366"}],"traits":{"boardController":false,"broken":false,"devkit":true,"jlink":true,"mcuBoot":false,"modem":false,"nordicDfu":false,"nordicUsb":false,"seggerUsb":true,"serialPorts":true,"usb":true},"usb":{"device":{"address":43,"busNumber":0,"descriptor":{"bDescriptorType":1,"bcdDevice":256,"idProduct":4193,"idVendor":4966}},"manufacturer":"SEGGER","osDevicePath":"\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}","product":"J-Link","serialNumber":"001050227132"},"usbIdentifier":"\\\\?\\USB#VID_1366&PID_1061#001050227132#{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}"} with serial number 001050227132
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.531Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] Opening JLink DLL
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.594Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.594Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] start
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][001050227132] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] open
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] just_check_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] open_dll
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.616Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.619Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Set batch mode
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] dll_version
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_get_num_emus
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Segger logging enabled.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.673Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] read_device_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 2000kHz
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] SWD clock set to 2000kHz
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] read_device_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] read_device_family
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] read_debug_port_idr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.679Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] coresight_configure
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] read_debug_port_idr
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.782Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.796Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.800Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] Encountered error -102: Command read_device_family executed for 126 milliseconds with result -102
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][001050227132] An unknown error.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] close
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_disconnect_from_emu
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] is_connected_to_device
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.810Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] ---just_abort_debug_action
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.821Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Attempting to clear any configuration errors in debug port before closing connection. 
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.832Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Ignore exception An unknown error.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.842Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][001050227132] Segger Backend closed.
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.842Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][001050227132] nRF family DLL closed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.854Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.889Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.890Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.891Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] Child process terminated with result 0
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.891Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][001050227132] terminate
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - ~async_task id: 815076675180
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Task 815076675180 is already completed
    [2025-02-21T18:36:03.907Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - close plugin dll at path: C:\Users\dormand\.nrfutil\lib\nrfutil-device\10-nrfdl-jlink-plugin.nrfdl

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