MQTT between our custom nRD9160 device and our AWS VPC

We're trying to set up MQTT messaging between our custom nRF9160 device and our private AWS VPC.  When using the Serial Terminal in nRF Connect for Desktop to monitor the device activity, we ger the following error message:

<err> nrf_cloud_transport: MQTT input error: -128

I can't find any documentation that gives further explanation for this error.   Can you please help explain it or point us to documentation for this.



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  • Thnanks for your response, but unfortunately, this doesn't address my problem.

    First of all, please note that we're not trying to connect to nRF Cloud.  We're trying to connect to our own private AWS cloud site.

    Next, we have certificates loaded, and we have an IoT Thing defined in our cloud, that corresponds to our custom nRF 9160 device.  That's all working.

    Our problem now is in trying to get MQTT messaging working.  This is where the problem is, and this is where we need help.

    According to this sequence of messages taken from the Serial Terminal, it appears that our device is attempting to communicate with the nRF Cloud, when we want it to communicate with our private AWS Cloud:

     [00:33:39.554,626] <inf> app_event_manager: CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
    [00:33:39.555,328] <inf> app_event_manager: CLOUD_EVT_CONNECTING
    [00:33:46.414,825] <err> nrf_cloud_transport: MQTT input error: -128
    [00:33:46.414,916] <err> nrf_cloud_transport: Error disconnecting from cloud: -128
    [00:33:46.415,008] <inf> app_event_manager: CLOUD_EVT_DISCONNECTED

    This defines the problem that we're trying to troubleshoot.
