MQTT between our custom nRD9160 device and our AWS VPC

We're trying to set up MQTT messaging between our custom nRF9160 device and our private AWS VPC.  When using the Serial Terminal in nRF Connect for Desktop to monitor the device activity, we ger the following error message:

<err> nrf_cloud_transport: MQTT input error: -128

I can't find any documentation that gives further explanation for this error.   Can you please help explain it or point us to documentation for this.



Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks.  We have discovered problem. The issue was that we didn't delete our old certifiactes before loading new certificates.  Instead we thought we write over the old certificates.  As a result our certificates weren't valid.  Deleting the old certs and then loading new certs fixed the problem.

    Thanks, and you can close the ticket now.
