Thingy:91X - flashing connectivity bridge with jlink reports error

I build the NCS 2.9.1 connectivity bridge with

west build -b thingy91x/nrf5340/cpuapp

when I try to flash that with jlink, I get

west flash
-- west flash: rebuilding
[0/45] Performing build step for 'ipc_radio'
ninja: no work to do.
[1/45] Performing build step for 'connectivity_bridge'
ninja: no work to do.
[5/41] Performing build step for 'mcuboot'
ninja: no work to do.
[9/40] Performing build step for 's1_image'
ninja: no work to do.
[13/34] Performing build step for 'b0'
ninja: no work to do.
[17/28] Performing build step for 'b0n'
ninja: no work to do.
[24/26] cd /home/achim/ncs/v2.9.1/nrf/applications/connectivity_bridge/build/_sysbuild && /home/achim/ncs/toolchains/b77d8c1312/usr/local/bin/cmake -E true
-- west flash: using runner nrfutil
-- runners.nrfutil: reset after flashing requested
Using board 000822000535
-- runners.nrfutil: Flashing file: /home/achim/ncs/v2.9.1/nrf/applications/connectivity_bridge/build/merged_CPUNET.hex
-- runners.nrfutil: Erasing pages touched by firmware
-- runners.nrfutil: Programming image
-- runners.nrfutil: Verifying image
-- runners.nrfutil: Reset
-- runners.nrfutil: Board with serial number 822000535 flashed successfully.
-- west flash: using runner nrfutil
-- runners.nrfutil: reset after flashing requested
Using board 000822000535
-- runners.nrfutil: Flashing file: /home/achim/ncs/v2.9.1/nrf/applications/connectivity_bridge/build/merged.hex
-- runners.nrfutil: Erasing pages touched by firmware
Error: One or more batch tasks failed:
 * 822000535: [Probe] The firmware to program contains UICR data, but your device already has data there. These memory regions are not erasable with the erase option you selected. You need to run an ERASE_ALL to erase the UICR (Generic)

FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: nrfutil --json device x-execute-batch --batch-path /home/achim/ncs/v2.9.1/nrf/applications/connectivity_bridge/build/generated_nrfutil_batch.json --serial-number 822000535

Parents Reply Children
  • I'm not sure how much of this is related but some connectivity_bridge issues I've encountered with Thingy:91X.

    It was good to see at least connectivity_bridge v290 working for t91x in VS since the nordic issued hex would no longer flash for me in programmer.
    Without connectivity_bridge, problematic to add a new certificate.
    That is,
    thingy91x/nrf5340/cpuapp is ok in v290 ubuntu sysbuild,
    but error for thingy91x/nrf5340/cpuapp/ns
    devicetree error: Label 'rtt0' appears on /rtt_chan0 and on /soc/peripheral@40000000/usbd@36000/rtt_chan0

    No go either way in v300p1,
    Error: Image size (0x43d02) + trailer (0x630) exceeds requested size 0x44000
    or with,
    devicetree error: Label 'rtt0' appears on /rtt_chan0 and on /soc/peripheral@40000000/usbd@36000/rtt_chan0

    Sometimes necessary to recover t91x when trying to flash t91x in VS.
    After flashing t91x from VS a few times, then MCU boot issues crop up when trying to flash t91x a hex in programmer or quick start. Yet still ok flashing from VS through nrf9160dk.
    Here trying a basic hello_nrfcloud (and same when trying connectivity_bridge).


    but this issue is for another case, and maybe not this one.


  • This is likely not the exact same issue but thanks for posting. 

    Feel free to create a new ticket, and you can link to this ticket as well in there as there might be som overlap in the issue. 

    Also share the logs from the quickstart guide as well.

