CONFIG_NET_L2_OPENTHREAD=y leads to failure in gpio pins.


I noticed an issue with CONFIG_NET_L2_OPENTHREAD=y in my project, and I prepared a newer, simpler project to investigate in the issue.

The new program simply sets pins to high and low. After flashing it onto an external module and plugging the external module onto a baseboard, all of the LEDs on the base board should be flashing one by one in a cycle..

As I slowly add more configurations to prj.conf, I realize that adding CONFIG_NET_L2_OPENTHREAD=y when CONFIG_NETWORKING=y will lead to all the external module pins behaving unexpectedly. None of the LEDs on the base board will turn on. What does CONFIG_NET_L2_OPENTHREAD do exactly? How does it interfere with the gpio pins? 

Parents Reply
  • Hi Maria, 

    Just an update, I updated my project to an even simpler one, it will just print Hello World + iteration number over and over again. I can view the message through RTT when CONFIG_NET_L2_OPENTHREAD is not enabled. However, I tried enabling the configuration, I can no longer view the messages. Thus, this might be something more significant than just having a conflict with the GPIO pins, as RTTs will not even display any messages. 

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
    int main() {
    	int i = 0;
    	while (1) {
    		printk("Hello World! %d\n", i++);
    	return 1;

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