I would like to add smp ota firmware upgrade to the matter sample project, can you provide me with the specific steps to do so, and in which path is the ota file compiled and generated?
I would like to add smp ota firmware upgrade to the matter sample project, can you provide me with the specific steps to do so, and in which path is the ota file compiled and generated?
Which protocol do you want to do OTA over? Matter or Bluetooth LE?
Sigurd Hellesvik
According to the description here, is it possible to support both matter OTA and smp OTA firmware upgrades on the device, and if I want to add smp OTA to the matter example project, how should I do it, and is there a detailed description of the steps?
I used the light_bulb demo sample project, running on the nrf54l15-PDK development board, and enable only CONFIG_CHIP_DFU_OVER_BT_SMP, and then used the nrf connect device manager software to update the device firmware, after updating the device that serial logs have been stuck here and firmware will not be automatically installed and restarted, what is the reason for the stuck ?
What did you change in the application for the DFU image?
(After flashing first app, but before generating dfu_applicaiton.zip)
I only change the version of the firmware before generating the dfu_application.zip. Can you use the sample of light_bulb to try ?
paper555 said:Can you use the sample of light_bulb to try ?
Im also having some difficulty in doing FOTA for this sample.
I will look more into this.
paper555 said:Can you use the sample of light_bulb to try ?
Im also having some difficulty in doing FOTA for this sample.
I will look more into this.