I'd like to use a std USB BT4 dongle (trendnet TBW-106UB), that install me a bluesoleil stack for bluetooth under Win7 to dialog with cutom BT4 device using a NRF51822 (actually it's the eval bord PCA10028) with S110 + custom app firmware
My goal is to log some sensors , and to get the sensors log using a custom service at this time I use NRFuart service with the PCA10031 + mastermulator DLL + custom VB.net soft and it works ! But I'd like to use more std BT dongle...
any advice to use std dongle + bluesoleil is welcome...
other question: final app will be to use an app on IOS or android phone, The idea is to made a temp logger that will be a central... and to make an app on phone that will be advertiser, So, if the device, get an advertisement from custom APP, it will connect and and send his log to the phone. This idea is to avoid the device sending any RF signal... if not asked for !
Can you confirm me that in central mode a system will NOT send any RF signal ?
Can you tell if all BT4 phone(andoid/IOS) can be used as advertiser ?
kind regards herve