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Problem to connect with connectblue OBS-421

Using OBS-421 from Connectblue as Central. Using simple AT command to connect and get data. Can connect successfully with Cypress BLE as well as the TI sensortag and get data from them. I cannot connect with nRF51, nRF52 at all. Cannot trace any error yet trying to debug by the serial port.

Unfortunately did not investigate with any sniffer or else. Just want to know if there is a known problem with the way nRFx connection and the way Connectblue handle this.

BTW: Try the central with nRF52 and failed so far. Another topic for later. :-)

Thank you for some help. I would like to use nRFx products in this configuration. jean-marc

  • Hi Jean-Marc,

    nRF51/52 are using random static adresses and if you don't specify this in the connect command on OBS421 it will assume a public address. This will give the result you describe, OBS421 will not be able to connect.

    The solution is to append an r to the address in the connect command, e.g. 0012F3000101 -> 0012F3000101r

    If this doesn't solve your problem, please post the complete connect command you are using and I can have a look.

    Best regards,


    u-blox (former connectBlue)

  • Ok, that's too bad... I have verified that I can connect from OBS421 to nRF52 here using the following steps:

    • Reset obs421 to factory settings

    • Set obs421 as ble central

    • Connect using the command you provide above

    Does your obs421 find the nRF module if you do a scan? (AT*AGI=6,4,0 for example)

    Do you know the firmware version of your obs421?

    Are you running a firmware example from nordic on you nRF52 or a custom firmware?

  • Ok, that's too bad... I have verified that I can connect from OBS421 to nRF52 here using the following steps:

    • Reset obs421 to factory settings

    • Set obs421 as ble central

    • Connect using the command you provide above

    Does your obs421 find the nRF module if you do a scan? (AT*AGI=6,4,0 for example)

    Do you know the firmware version of your obs421?

    Are you running a firmware example from nordic on you nRF52 or a custom firmware?

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