How the nrf51822 communicate with 24L01+/24LE1 by 4bytes address and How the nrf51822 communicate with 24L01+/24LE1 with ack?
How the nrf51822 communicate with 24L01+/24LE1 by 4bytes address and How the nrf51822 communicate with 24L01+/24LE1 with ack?
Hi Sam, did the answer by awneil solved the issue for you ?
Well, it's not really "my" answer - just a pointer to someone else's answer to what looks like a similar question ...
No,I know how the nrf51 communicate with 24L01 with 5bytes address; I just dont know how the nrf51 communicate with 24L01 with 4bytes address,and how to tx a ack signal to the 24l01 when it received a packet
Hi Sam, The example I post in the answer of the other case was for 5 bytes address, if you want 4 byte address, you can simply set the PACKET_BASE_ADDRESS_LENGTH to 4 in the radio_config.h And on the nRF24 side, you call hal_nrf_set_address_width(HAL_NRF_AW_4BYTES).
To communicate with ACK, you can do it on your own by letting the PTX switch to RX mode for a period of time after transmitting the packet. But it's easier if you use our Enhanced Shockburst (ESB) protocol. You can find example with ESB in the nRF51 and nRF24 SDK. ACK and ACK payload can be configured with the protocol.