How the nrf51822 communicate with 24L01+/24LE1 by 4bytes address and How the nrf51822 communicate with 24L01+/24LE1 with ack?
How the nrf51822 communicate with 24L01+/24LE1 by 4bytes address and How the nrf51822 communicate with 24L01+/24LE1 with ack?
Hi Sam, did the answer by awneil solved the issue for you ?
No,I know how the nrf51 communicate with 24L01 with 5bytes address; I just dont know how the nrf51 communicate with 24L01 with 4bytes address,and how to tx a ack signal to the 24l01 when it received a packet
No,I know how the nrf51 communicate with 24L01 with 5bytes address; I just dont know how the nrf51 communicate with 24L01 with 4bytes address,and how to tx a ack signal to the 24l01 when it received a packet