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IOT SDK parameters and current consumption

Hi, I'm trying IOT SDK now and I got some questions My devices: nRF51422 DK, nRF51_iot_sdk_0.8.0_f1f6187, iot_ipv6_coap_client_pca10028

Q1: Why is the advertising interval set to 333 X 0.625 ms, instead of 64 X 0.625ms like in other examples. Does the value 333 has special meaning?

Q2: Why is the connection interval set as a certain value, unlike other examples, set max and min connection interval.

Q3: When I measured the power consumption with different connection interval, coap shows lower power consumption then UART. (I use multimeter, and I do not optmize the power consumption, so basiclly all test cases are under the same testing condition )

Here's me result (I thought coap cause higher current consumption)

UART conn_interval [20:75] : 4.71 mA - 4.63 mA conn_interval [475:525] : 4.42 mA - 4.38 mA conn_interval [975:1025] : 4.20 mA - 4.14 mA

coap conn_interval 100 : 4.55-4.18 mA conn_interval 200 : 4.21-4.18 mA conn_interval 500 : 4.21-4.18 mA conn_interval 1000 : 4.21-4.18 mA

    1. No special meaning. You can change it to 64, or something else if you want.
    2. The connection interval is determined by the central/master device, for more information on how the min and max in the peripheral is used have a look at this.
    3. See point 2. You need to measure with the actual connection interval. There are also other things that affect the power consumption, like the size of the payload you are sending. I don't quite understand why you are comparing uart with coap.
    1. No special meaning. You can change it to 64, or something else if you want.
    2. The connection interval is determined by the central/master device, for more information on how the min and max in the peripheral is used have a look at this.
    3. See point 2. You need to measure with the actual connection interval. There are also other things that affect the power consumption, like the size of the payload you are sending. I don't quite understand why you are comparing uart with coap.