OS: Windows 10
Target: nRF51-DK
Tried to connect with nrf51-dk with Keil MDK-Lite v5.18a. The default Jlink version used along with this IDE was v4.98e
- the 'download' button in Keil gave me 'No JLink Device found'.
- manually executed JLink.exe v4.98e, but it gives "No emulators connected via USB".
- went to nRF51822 'download' page and download & installed "nRF5x-Command-Line-Tools-Win32" (www.nordicsemi.com/.../39022627)
- the JLink from (3) is v5.10m
- again, even JLink.exe v5.10m gives "No emulators connected via USB"
I believe that the fundmental problem is that JLink can't recognize the nRF51-DK connected via usb cable.
However, the nRF51-DK does show up as "MBED"
I would appreciate any useful solution approaches to at least make the JLink recognize the usb-connected nRF51-DK.