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jlink cannot recognize nrf51-dk

OS: Windows 10

Target: nRF51-DK

Tried to connect with nrf51-dk with Keil MDK-Lite v5.18a. The default Jlink version used along with this IDE was v4.98e

  1. the 'download' button in Keil gave me 'No JLink Device found'.
  2. manually executed JLink.exe v4.98e, but it gives "No emulators connected via USB".
  3. went to nRF51822 'download' page and download & installed "nRF5x-Command-Line-Tools-Win32" (
  4. the JLink from (3) is v5.10m
  5. again, even JLink.exe v5.10m gives "No emulators connected via USB"

image description

I believe that the fundmental problem is that JLink can't recognize the nRF51-DK connected via usb cable.

However, the nRF51-DK does show up as "MBED" image description

I would appreciate any useful solution approaches to at least make the JLink recognize the usb-connected nRF51-DK.

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