I Just upgraded my RTE to the latest two minutes ago, and tried an RTX example. The example compiled OK, But in RTE manager, it is showing missing component.
Screenshot attached.
I Just upgraded my RTE to the latest two minutes ago, and tried an RTX example. The example compiled OK, But in RTE manager, it is showing missing component.
Screenshot attached.
Hi Paul,
Download it from here
Thanks Aryan. 4.74.0-9 folder was in PACK folder. But I installed the pack from your link anyway. The red blocks are still there. The project compiles and works no problem. Just curious why it is showing this error in RTE Manager. Thanks
I have heard this before, there is something wrong with the way the packs were selected then. Just ignore them, this is one of the reasons we are phasing out packs from releases.
What do you mean by "phasing out packs"?? Phasing out the old packs or the way Nordic releases SDKs? Thanks
We are not supporting packs anymore from SDK11 (one exception in SDK11 but that will be fixed in next release). We have learned that the packs even though nice feature have been trouble to many and hard to maintain. So yes, we are changing the way nordic releases SDK. We will from now on only release SDK as zip file.