I am going to design a new product around nRF51422 and I am planning to buy the nRF51 DK but I am really confused about the sw I need for development and additional hw for debugging.
In particular, I am confused by this:
Program/Debug options on the kit are Segger J-Link OB for standard tool-chain and CMSIS-DAP for mbed.
As far as I understand, for developing I need:
- nRF51 DK
- nRF5 SDK (available for download)
- nRF51 Dongle
With these I am able to develop the firmware, upload it and using the debugger with Eclipse following the tutorial here:
and here:
Is this correct? Do I need to buy anything else?
About the nRF51822 Bluetooth Beacon Kit I cannot figure anything out.
Thank you in advance for you support.