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Development environment for nRF51 DK and nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart Beacon Kit


I am going to design a new product around nRF51422 and I am planning to buy the nRF51 DK but I am really confused about the sw I need for development and additional hw for debugging.

In particular, I am confused by this:

Program/Debug options on the kit are Segger J-Link OB for standard tool-chain and CMSIS-DAP for mbed.

As far as I understand, for developing I need:

  1. nRF51 DK
  2. nRF5 SDK (available for download)
  3. nRF51 Dongle

With these I am able to develop the firmware, upload it and using the debugger with Eclipse following the tutorial here:

and here:

Is this correct? Do I need to buy anything else?

About the nRF51822 Bluetooth Beacon Kit I cannot figure anything out.

Thank you in advance for you support.

  • Hi,

    We recommend to buy the nRF51 DK. This has a debugger which is by default loaded with Segger J-Link OB firmware, but can also be loaded with CMSIS-DAP firmware which is used by mbed.

    You don't need to buy the dongle. You can use for example your smart phone as a central. Master control panel app will let you scan for peripherals, connect to them, browse services and much more. If you want to make a central application on nRF51 you should buy both the nRF51 DK and the dongle (or another DK). With the dongle you can also use Master Control Panel on PC (which may be more convenient). The dongle also has an on board debugger, same as the DK.

    The beacon kit does not have a debugger. You can use the debugger on the DK to program other boards, including the beacon kit. You will need a special cable (called tag-connect) or solder wires from the debug pads on the beacon kit. The beacon kit can also be programmed over the air via DFU, but then you will not be able to debug the application as easy.

    I will recommend buying the DK. Also buy the dongle if you want to develop central applications or want Master Control Panel on the computer.


  • Hi Ole,

    Thank you for your precious information. I'll buy the nRF51 DK to get started.


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