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Problem running/debugging nRF51822 GCC example project

Hello. I'm trying to start developing with the nRF51822 Eval kit with Eclipse and ARM GCC but I ran into some problems when trying to run the ble_app_hrs_example. I've been trying to solve it for the past two days but I'm pretty much out of ideas now so any help would be appreciated.

I installed and set-up everything the way it's described in the application note and flashed SoftDevice onto the eval board. The example program compiles without errors but when I try debugging I get strange behavior - I can step into and over lines of code, but the program doesn't stop at any breakpoints I set. In fact I get the following line (in red color) in the console every time I try to set a breakpoint:

Try to add breakpoint - No source file named C.

Another problem is that after I run he debugging session for the first time, the IDE starts reporting two errors in the file main.c on lines 308 and 673 -

Symbol 'app_timer_evt_schedule' could not be resolved


Symbol 'ble_stack_evt_schedule' could not be resolved

respectively. Both of these are defined as inline functions in headers which are included in the project so I don't understand what is the problem. Plese let me know if you need any more info, any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  • Hi,

    Could you upload your project files ( ble_app_hrs) folder and the screenshots when you configure GDB Hardware Debugging. Note that in Start up tab you would need to scroll down for more option.

    Could double check that you followed properly Chapter 2 in the nAN29 App Note ? There is a little change in the path to ble_hrs_gcc_s110_xxaa.out so that _build folder is now under gcc folder.

    Could you provide the version of gcc Arm, Eclipse and GDB server ?

  • Hi, thanks for the answer :) I made sure that I triple checked the Debug settings before I posted a question, so I think they should be correct. I'm sending screenshots of them anyway. Actually I made a different stupid mistake - I was trying to use the example project for the nRF Go board when I'm trying to develop for the PCA10001 :facepalm: . I fixed that now and wrote my own makefile for the PCA10001 ble_app_hrs example, since there is none provided. The program builds and runs fine, as far as I can tell, but the problems with debugging remain, as I described in my previous post. In fact, I am getting even more "could not be resolved" errors from Eclipse. I'm attaching my project files and a screenshot of all the errors too. I tried adding paths to all the included files, which give me errors, to project settings->C/C++ General->Paths and symbols->Includes but it didn't help. I'm using: ARM gcc ver. 4.7.4 GNU tools ARM embedded 4.7 2013q2 Eclipse Kepler Release, build id: 20130614-0229 SEGGER J-Link GDB server V4.73d Again, please let me know if you need more info.

    Edit: Oh, and I should probably mention that I'm running Windows 7 Professional, Service pack 1




  • Hi Viktor,

    It seems it could be the gdb issue. I tried your project here without any problem.

    Could you send us the GDB log when you debugging and trying to run through a break point ?

    You can find in the attachment, the log when I tested your project here with a break point set at buttons_init().

    Regarding your errors, you would need to add the paths to the C/C++ General ->Paths and Symbols -> Includes -> GNU C You can import the path from the ble_app_hrs project in the nRF6310 folder.

    About the "could not be resolved" errors, it was the issue with eclipse when interpret __INLINE function. I think you can ignore the error for now.


  • Importing the paths from the other project helped, thanks! I'm sending the GDB log bellow. I ran the program through breakpoint set at buttons_init() - Nothing happened and the execution didn't stop. After that I pressed the halt button - In the log it's at the point right after Starting target CPU...

    SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.73d (beta)
    JLinkARM.dll V4.73d (DLL compiled Jul 10 2013 19:00:54)
    Connecting to J-Link...
    J-Link is connected.
    Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128 V1 compiled Feb 5 2013 15:27:51
    Hardware: V1.00
    Checking target voltage...
    Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
    Connecting to target...Connected to target
    Waiting for GDB connection...Connected to
    Reading all registers
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x20001BD0)
    JTAG speed set to 10000 kHz
    Target endianess set to "little endian"
    Flash download enabled
    Selecting device: NRF51822
    Resets core & peripherals via SYSRESETREQ & VECTRESET bit.
    Downloading 16160 bytes @ address 0x00014000
    Downloading 16112 bytes @ address 0x00017F20
    Downloading 6436 bytes @ address 0x0001BE10
    Downloading 8 bytes @ address 0x0001D734
    Downloading 1116 bytes @ address 0x0001D73C
    Writing register (PC = 0x0001caf5)
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x0001CAF4 (Data = 0x68024808)
    Read 2 bytes @ address 0x00015066 (Data = 0xF7FF)
    Read 2 bytes @ address 0x00015066 (Data = 0xF7FF)
    Read 2 bytes @ address 0x00015066 (Data = 0xF7FF)
    Setting breakpoint @ address 0x00015066, Size = 2, BPHandle = 0x0001
    Starting target CPU...
    ...Breakpoint reached @ address 0x00015066
    Reading all registers
    Removing breakpoint @ address 0x00015066, Size = 2
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00015066 (Data = 0xFAEDF7FF)
    Reading 64 bytes @ address 0x20003FC0
    Starting target CPU...
    Debugger requested to halt target...
    WARNING: CPU could not be halted
    Reading all registers
    ERROR: Can not read register 0 (R0) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 1 (R1) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 2 (R2) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 3 (R3) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 4 (R4) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 5 (R5) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 6 (R6) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 7 (R7) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 8 (R8) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 9 (R9) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 10 (R10) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 11 (R11) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 12 (R12) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 13 (R13) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 14 (R14) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 15 (R15) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 16 (XPSR) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 17 (MSP) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 18 (PSP) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 24 (PRIMASK) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 25 (BASEPRI) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 26 (FAULTMASK) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 27 (CONTROL) while CPU is running
    ERROR: Can not read register 15 (R15) while CPU is running
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x00000000)
    GDB closed TCP/IP connection
    Closing remote socket
    Waiting for GDB connection...
  • I noticed that you are using GDB beta version. Could you upgrade to the latest version, v4.74a ? It seems the debugger reset the target after "...Breakpoint reached @ address 0x00015066"
