- Copy nrf51.cdb to "C:\Keil\UV4"
- Copy nrf51xxx.flm to "C:\Keil\ARM\Flash"
- Set the keil project-device to nRF51822(data base : Nordic nRF Series Devices)
This is the logo of Jlink+keil:
It alarm that:“ error : Flash download failed-"Cotex-M0"”
Load "F:\AAA_BLE\nrf51_sdk_v4_4_2_33551\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\ble\ble_app_hids_mouse\arm\_build\ble_app_hids_mouse.AXF" Set JLink Project File to "F:\AAA_BLE\nrf51_sdk_v4_4_2_33551\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\ble\ble_app_hids_mouse\arm\JLinkSettings.ini"
JLink info:
DLL: V4.15n, compiled Jun 18 2010 19:55:09 Firmware: J-Link ARM-OB STM32 compiled Aug 22 2012 19:52:04 Hardware: V7.00 S/N : 20090928 Feature(s) : RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFull
- JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11477 **JLink Warning: RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware.
- JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11477 **JLink Warning: No matching core found. ***JLink Error: Wrong ROM location (15:2). Expected 0xE00FF003, Found 0xF0000003 ROMTableAddr = 0x0
Target info:
Device: nRF51822 VTarget = 3.300V State of Pins: TCK: 0, TDI: 1, TDO: 1, TMS: 0, TRES: 1, TRST: 1 Hardware-Breakpoints: 0 Software-Breakpoints: 2048 Watchpoints: 0 JTAG speed: 1000 kHz
Cannot setup Breakpoint at Address Cannot setup Breakpoint at Address Erase Failed! Load "F:\AAA_BLE\nrf51_sdk_v4_4_2_33551\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\ble\ble_app_hids_mouse\arm\_build\ble_app_hids_mouse.AXF" Set JLink Project File to "F:\AAA_BLE\nrf51_sdk_v4_4_2_33551\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\ble\ble_app_hids_mouse\arm\JLinkSettings.ini"
JLink info:
DLL: V4.15n, compiled Jun 18 2010 19:55:09 Firmware: J-Link ARM-OB STM32 compiled Aug 22 2012 19:52:04 Hardware: V7.00 S/N : 20090928 Feature(s) : RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFull
- JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11477 **JLink Warning: RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware.
- JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11477 **JLink Warning: No matching core found. ***JLink Error: Wrong ROM location (15:2). Expected 0xE00FF003, Found 0xF0000003 ROMTableAddr = 0x0
Target info:
Device: nRF51822 VTarget = 3.300V State of Pins: TCK: 0, TDI: 1, TDO: 1, TMS: 0, TRES: 1, TRST: 1 Hardware-Breakpoints: 0 Software-Breakpoints: 2048 Watchpoints: 0 JTAG speed: 1000 kHz
Cannot setup Breakpoint at Address Cannot setup Breakpoint at Address Erase Failed!